Monday, May 25, 2020
Melting Ice Science Experiment
This is a fun, non-toxic project for kids of all ages. All you need is ice, salt, and food coloring. Materials You can use any type of salt for this project. Coarse salt, such as rock salt or sea salt, works great. Table salt is fine. Also, you could use other types of salt besides sodium chloride (NaCl). For example, Epsom salts are a good choice. You dont have to color the project, but its a lot of fun to use food coloring, water colors, or any water-based paint. You can use liquids or powders, whichever you have handy. Materials watersaltfood coloring (or watercolors or tempera paints) What To Do Make ice. You can use ice cubes for this project, but its nice to have larger pieces of ice for your experiment. Freeze water in shallow plastic containers such as disposable storage containers for sandwiches or leftovers. Only fill the containers part way to make relatively thin pieces of ice. The salt can melt holes all the way through thin pieces, making interesting ice tunnels.Keep the ice in the freezer until you are ready to experiment, then remove the blocks of ice and place them on a cookie sheet or in a shallow pan. If the ice doesnt want to come out, ts easy to remove ice from containers by running warm water around the bottom of the dish. Place the pieces of ice in a large pan or a cookie sheet. The ice will melt, so this keeps the project contained.Sprinkle salt onto the ice or make little salt piles on top of the pieces. Experiment!Dot the surface with coloring. The coloring doesnt color the frozen ice, but it follows the melting pattern. Youll be able to see channels, h oles, and tunnels in the ice, plus it looks pretty.You can add more salt and coloring, or not. Explore however you like. Clean Up This is a messy project. You can perform it outdoors or in a kitchen or bathroom. The coloring will stain hands, clothes, and surfaces. You can remove coloring from counters using a cleaner with bleach. How It Works Very young kids will like to explore and may not care too much about the science, but you can discuss erosion and the shapes formed by running water. The salt lowers the freezing point of water through a process called freezing point depression. The ice starts to melt, making liquid water. Salt dissolves in the water, adding ions that increase the temperature at which the water could re-freeze. As the ice melts, energy is drawn from the water, making it colder. Salt is used in ice cream makers for this reason. It makes the ice cream cold enough to freeze. Did you notice how the water feels colder than the ice cube? The ice exposed to the salty water melts faster than other ice, so holes and channels form.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay about Ansoff Matrix †Product Market Grid - 854 Words
Introduction to the Ansoff matrix The Ansoff product/ market matrix is a tool that helps businesses decide their product and market growth strategy. Ansoff’s product/ market matrix suggests that a business’ attempts to grow depend on whether it markets new or existing products in new or existing markets. The traditional four box grid or matrix Ansoff model Alternative Ansoff style matrix A revised version of the Ansoff matrix featuring a 3Ãâ€"3 or nine box grid or matrix. History – The Product / Market Matrix Igor Ansoff created the Product / Market diagram in 1957 as a method to classify options for business expansion. The simplisity of this model is that the four strategic options defined can be generically applied to any†¦show more content†¦For example by introducing loyalty schemes. A market penetration marketing strategy is very much about â€Å"business as usual†. The business is focusing on markets and products it knows well. It is likely to have good information on competitors and on customer needs. It is unlikely, therefore, that this strategy will require much investment in new market research. Market Development (new markets, existing products): Here we market our existing product range in a new market. This means that the product remains the same, but it is marketed to a new audience. Exporting the product, or marketing it in a new region, are examples of market development. Market development is the name given to a growth strategy where the business seeks to sell its existing products into new markets. There are many possible ways of approaching this strategy, including: ââ€" New geographical markets; for example exporting the product to a new country ââ€" New product dimensions or packaging: for example ââ€" New distribution channels ââ€" Different pricing policies to attract different customers or create new market segments Product Development (existing markets, new products): This is a new product to be marketed to our existing customers. Here we develop and innovate new product offerings to replace existing ones. Such products are then marketed to our existing customers. This often happens with the auto markets where existing modelsShow MoreRelatedDesigning A Product s Portfolio Essay997 Words  | 4 Pagesemulating its production and design, and there is a need to keep up with demand and expand the product s reach, as well as scope and audience, to make economic sense. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The And Worthy Of College Cost Essay - 2081 Words
â€Å"Post-secondary education should help students to discover what they do, to get better at it, and develop the ability to continue learning so that they become agent of change- not victims of it,†(Roth). The earnestness and worthy of college cost is implanted by the broadening educational accompaniments along with composing necessitous contributors to society, the urging need of higher skilled work, and the effectiveness in selecting a suitable institution. In broadening educational accompaniments along with the contributors involved in society, innovation is stimulated by high standards that are needed in place to promote the continuation of education and the providers that are formed from their college education. An urging need of higher skilled work is current in the economy by requesting a supply of college graduates along with their capabilities. The effectiveness in the selection of a suitable institution justifies the worth of cost in how it results the individual in completing their degree and the followed benefits in the duration of their life. The financial worth of college derives from the intellective objective that leads to innovating provisions to society. Attainments obtained from a college education ignite prosperity within the individual generating growth within a community due to their inputted contributions. The prospective of college affects one’s lifetime through a wide range of outcomes, not only through earnings (Pew Social). Recent studies haveShow MoreRelatedEssay about Higher Education for Free531 Words  | 3 PagesOver the years, college fees have gradually risen for high school graduates. It’s been said that most jobs with a college degree earn almost double of what a high school graduate would earn. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Portia The Control Freak Essay Example For Students
Portia The Control Freak Essay I would love to write a critical essay about the role of Portia in Shakespeare’s â€Å"Merchant of Venice,†hailing her as one of Shakespeare’s greatest contributions to the society of the sane; however, I find this impossible after re-reading the text. At first, I hung on her every word and was amazed at her wit, but later I found her to be just another Shakespearean psycho. Basically, I understood Portia to be nothing less than an obedient daughter obeying the whims of her dead, over-protective father. She speaks in terms of respect about the coffin ritual, and the reader believes her to be sincere. Later as her character is unfolded, the reader sees a wife in love with the husband who was wise enough to earn her love (and consequently her fortune! ). Beware, gentle reader! Do not fall under the spell of Portia the control freak! The following scenerios must be proof that this woman is not to be trusted! First of all, let’s evaluate the scene where Portia and Bassanio are before the caskets where Bassanio must make his choice. The dialogue directly preceeding the finding of the casket is basic lover’s speech, but wait! Listen carefully to what Portia says: â€Å"If you do love me, you will find me out†(III ii 41). Portia leads Bassanio to believe that the choice he makes in the caskets is his own. She leads the reader to believe that Bassanio’s love for her is the only force which leads to the discovery of the correct casket. However, earlier when Portia is speaking of the preparations for the casket choice, she speaks of music which is to be played while Bassanio makes his choice. Ok, this seems innocent enough; but examine the song–the first two lines of the song rhyme with lead! It doesn’t take long for the subliminal message to be absorbed in Bassanio’s brain, and the lead casket is chosen. This manipulative device is an indication to me that Portia has a need to make things go her way. She is afraid that Bassanio will make the wrong choice, and therefore assists him. Point #2. Portia creates a way of controlling the future of the relationship between herself and Bassanio. Portia gives Bassanio a ring with the words, â€Å"I give you this ring, which when you part from, lose, or give away, / Let it presage the ruin of your love†. Of course, Bassanio gives away the ring first chance he gets. Portia later makes known that the man he gave the ring to was her, and she proceeds to cold Bassanio for his lack of love. Bassanio is trapped! No matter what he does for the rest of their relationship, in his mind will remain the idea that Portia is watching! This is a clever device invented by Mr. Shakespeare; however, it does display a certain obsessive, manipulative air about Portia. Hmmmmm†¦. Lastly, I would like to take a venture. I was wondering earlier while reading the â€Å"Merchant of Venice†why Shakespeare used the doppel- ganger technique in his presentation of Nerissa and Portia. Nerissa follows Portia about and makes the same decisions Portia does. Nerissa s not as bright as Portia, and yet she meets the same ultimate fate as Portia. I am wondering if Shakespeare could have used Nerissa to point out the manipulative characteristics of Portia. It is true that one way that manipulative people feed is through weaker people who uphold them and their values. If anyone has any insight on this thought, let me know! Well, there you have it. My true feelings on Portia. Sure she is to be admired in some aspects, but perhaps as all great archetypes she has her foibles and faults. If anyone finds anything about the aforementioned aspects of Portia’s character, please let me know.
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