Thursday, August 27, 2020
Change management simulation Essay
As the quick advancement of current economy and the undeniably wild market rivalry, the interest of how to oversee association change is expanding. Particularly for pioneers in both huge and little organizations, the capacity of managing change is so critical. In many case, the principle purpose behind organization chapter 11 is that pioneers neglect to adapt to association condition change appropriately. The downfall of numerous fortune 500 organizations during the 1980s and 1990s proposes that the pioneers of these organizations were ineffectual in reacting to changes in the business condition; they couldn't conquer rigidities in their organizations until it was past the point of no return. (Brew, M. and N. Nohria. 2000) In request to improve my finding out about overseeing association change, I changed administration reenactment four days prior. At that point I am going to discuss the detail of my incitement. In this reproduction, I was the CEO of Spectrum Sunglass Company. For th is organization, what's to come is splendid because of the developing sunglass showcase. Be that as it may, from numerous expert articles I read, I discovered that maintainable improvement is noteworthy for business, our organization should offer some new sunglass items to clients who worry about Spectrum’s ecological effect. In addition, new items can likewise separate our items from competitors’ and give us more deals openings. However, shockingly, a portion of my associates doesn’t concur with my focuses, the CFO of my organization figures green crude materials might be costly to such an extent that will impact the overall revenues of Spectrum. At that point myâ mission is to convince Spectrum’s administrators to embrace my proposition. Procedure RECORDING Week 0 †Week 2 Initially, I led private meetings, I talk with Michelle Barth, the official aide; Nancy Kerr, the chief of item advancement and Yao Li, the executive of procedure development. For my associate, I figure I ought to talk about with her first in the event that I have a proposition. What's more, the other two individuals are in development division, it’s simpler for them to acknowledge my sentiment than others. From that point onward, I recounted to a ‘success’ story to the three same individuals to persuade them profoundly and trust them assist me with convincing different partners. Fruitful decent variety need solid responsibility from top administration. (Brew, M., R. A. Eisenstat, and B. Spector, 1990) Week 3 to Week 5 In the third week, I gave an email notice to the entire organization to disclose to them my supposition and get beginning input from them. I think it’s critical to let them comprehend my feeling and convince them to help my sentiment. At that point I hold town corridor gatherings to discuss my assessment up close and personal, to know my colleague’s sentiment, after that week, walk the discussion was followed. Week 7 †Week 9 In the seventh week, I got the consultant’s support, right now, the individuals who was keen on my sentiment was enormously expanded. From the seventeenth week to the multi week, I give both outer expertise building and inner aptitude working to certain individuals in our association, the intention is to tell them well about the ability that my proposition needs and cause them to accept the upside of my proposition, after these two switches I utilized, a few people started to embrace my proposition. I think these two switches are powerful. Week 13 In the thirtieth week, I declared objectives and cutoff times of Spectrum. I advised my organization my assurance to change, to create new items. From that point onward, five individuals started to attempt my supposition. Week 23 After ten weeks, I reexamined reward framework, I trust I can utilize a unique method to tell them the essentialness of evolving. From that point forward, I rehashed to utilize the previous compelling switches to convince my associates. Week 64 †Week 65 In the sixty multi week, I posted advancement reports of my organization, to show the improvement of the new item, two additional individuals received my proposition. As of now, I have just accomplished most people’s appropriation, so as to persuade more individuals, I chose to proceed with my work. I additionally led pilot venture the next week, I need to see the advertising state of the new sunglass item, to discover its disadvantages and relative creating ways. Week 74 †Week 75 In the seventy multi week, I secretly defy resister Louise Orysh to ask his conclusion about new items and for what valid reason she doesn’t embrace it, to know the shortcoming of the new item and how to change. At that point I rebuilt association the next week. Week 91 †Week 93 During the ninety one to ninety three weeks, I gave inside expertise building and outside structure once more, and afterward, my drive accomplished all the managers’ appropriation. CHANGING MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT Presently I will survey my work. As a change operator, I have 20 adopters of manageability activity in the supervisory crew at Spectrum, I convinced all the administrators embrace my proposition effectively. I have prevail with regards to achieving a noteworthy association change and making a brilliant future for both Spectrum and nature. In this way, I think I am a successful change operator. Be that as it may, I additionally have a few lacks on my changing administration rehearses. In spite of the fact that I accomplished 20 connectors, I go through 93 weeks to get this outcome, it’s actually quite a while. The change proficiency proportion is just 0.22. I need to state my work is powerful however not effective, I despite everything need to abbreviate working opportunity to improve change effectiveness. The adaptability and speed is likewise significant in evolving the board. (Kanter, R. M., B. Stein and T. D. Jick. 1992.) From overseeing authoritative change, I discovered t hat the requirement for information about how to oversee association change productively and viably is ceaselessly rising. On the off chance that there was a code that could open our seeing how change may best be transformed, it hadn’t yet be broken. (Brew, M. and N. Nohria. 2000) But break the code might be not the most ideal way toâ manage change. The center of association change is that change what is invalid and remain what is compelling. A fruitful association realize how to beat the immunizer of declining development, take advantage of suitable chances and evade dangers. Moreover, the focal test isn't technique, not frameworks, not culture. These components and numerous others can be significant, yet the center issue without question is conduct. (Kotter, J. and D. Cohen. 2002.) So changing conduct is the center of changing association the board. Rejuvenation is one sort of association change, it includes improving the capacities of and commitments made by, administrators, laborers, and the association sa an entire to adapt to an undeniably serious condition. (Lager, M. 1990) In rundown, I despite everything have some inadequacy during this change the executives reproduction. For next time I am going to lead change, when I find an evolving conclusion, I will see all the organization directors about it, to look for their advisements. The center of association changing is human’s conduct, on the off chance that they concur with my drive, it’s simple to change their practices. I figure I should give each administrator an equivalent opportunity to find out about my proposition and express their own supposition, along these lines is progressively satisfactory for the directors. So I will hold town meeting first. In addition, I might want to take a few measures to convince directors embrace my proposition, for example, explain authoritative qualities and lead private meetings. At last, I will give inward ability building and outer expertise working to the rest supervisors who still doesn’t concur with me, and I can likewise secretly face resisters to ask the explanation he can't help contradicting me. I thoroughly consider improving what I recorded above, I will upgrade the proficiency of changing administration and accomplish most connectors in briefest time. Reference Lager, M. 1990. The Critical Path to Corporate Renewal. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Brew, M., R. A. Eisenstat, and B. Spector. 1990. Why change programs don’t produce change. Harvard Business Review (Novemberâ€December): 2-11. Brew, M., and N. Nohria. 2000. Breaking the Code of Change. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Kotter, J., and D. Cohen. 2002. The Heart of Change. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Kanter, R. M., B. Stein, and T. D. Jick. 1992. The Challenge of Organizational Change: How Companies Experience It and Leaders Guide It. New York: Free Press.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ionic vs Covalent Bonds - Understand the Difference
Ionic versus Covalent Bonds - Understand the Difference A particle or compound is made when at least two molecules structure aâ chemical bond, connecting them together. The two kinds of bonds are ionic bonds and covalent bonds. The qualification between them has to do with how similarly the iotas taking an interest in the bond share their electrons. Ionic Bonds In an ionic bond, one particle basically gives an electron to balance out the other iota. As such, the electron invests the vast majority of its energy near the fortified atom. Atoms that take part in an ionic bond have distinctive electronegativity esteems from one another. A polar bond is shaped by the fascination between oppositely-charged ions. For model, sodium and chloride structure an ionic bond, to make NaCl, or table salt. You can foresee an ionic bond will shape when two iotas have diverse electronegativity esteems and identify an ionic compound by its properties, remembering an inclination to separate into particles for water. Covalent Bonds In a covalent bond, the particles are limited by shared electrons. In a genuine covalent bond, the electronegativity esteems are the equivalent (e.g., H2, O3), in spite of the fact that by and by the electronegativity esteems simply should be close. On the off chance that the electron is shared similarly between the iotas shaping a covalent bond, at that point the bond is supposed to be nonpolar. Normally, an electron is more pulled in to one iota than to another, framing a polar covalent bond. For instance, the particles in water, H2O, are held together by polar covalent bonds. You can foresee a covalent bond will shape between two nonmetallic molecules. Likewise, covalent mixes may break down in water, yet dont separate into particles. Ionic versus Covalent Bonds Summary Heres a fast outline of the contrasts among ionic and covalent bonds, their properties, and how to remember them: Ionic Bonds Covalent Bonds Portrayal Bond among metal and nonmetal. The nonmetal draws in the electron, so it resembles the metal gives its electron to it. Bond between two nonmetals with comparative electronegativities. Molecules share electrons in their external orbitals. Extremity High Low Shape No distinct shape Distinct shape Liquefying Point High Low Breaking point High Low State at Room Temperature Strong Fluid or Gas Models Sodium chloride (NaCl), Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4 ) Methane (CH4), Hydrochloric corrosive (HCl) Compound Species Metal and nometal (recollect hydrogen can act in any case) Two nonmetals Do you get it? Test your perception with this test. Key Points The two principle sorts of substance bonds are ionic and covalent bonds.An ionic bond basically gives an electron to the next molecule partaking in the bond, while electrons in a covalent bond are shared similarly between the atoms.The just unadulterated covalent securities happen between indistinguishable particles. Typically, there is some extremity (polar covalent bond) in which the electrons are shared, yet invest more energy with one particle than the other.Ionic bonds structure between a metal and a nonmetal. Covalent bonds structure between two nonmetals.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Writing Persuasive Essays
Writing Persuasive EssaysWriting persuasive essays is not something that you will find easy, but if you learn how to write persuasive essays then the top 50 ideas for argumentative, persuasive essay topics are waiting for you. Although writing persuasive essays may seem like a hard task, you can easily overcome this difficulty and make yourself a great writer if you know what it takes to develop your argumentative persuasive essays.The key to developing your argumentative persuasive essay is to use the perfect form of persuasion. If you do not have enough information on any given topic then you will not be able to develop a good argument. You will need to understand the topic first and then be able to persuade others to agree with you.In order to be successful in your quest to write a persuasive essay, you need to understand the techniques involved in writing persuasive essays. You should also be aware of the rules of persuasive writing. Most of the top 50 ideas for argumentative, pe rsuasive essay topics address the issues surrounding persuasive writing. There are some key rules that you need to understand to be able to build a strong argumentative persuasive essay.One of the best things that you can do to become a better writer in this area is to take an online writing course. This is the best way to learn to write persuasive essays that are persuasive. This type of writing course will allow you to use your talents and skills in various different ways. It is a great way to add depth to your abilities as a writer.You need to understand that if you want to be successful in developing your argumentative persuasive essay you need to put the needs of others before your own needs. If you place your own needs first then you will fail in this area and that is not a quality you will want to have as a persuasive essay writer.When you get into writing your persuasive essay, you need to be honest about your abilities. You need to know what the average is for persuasive wr iting and what the average writing is that is produced each year. The best way to determine the average persuasive essay is to look at the works of some of the best persuasive essayists in the field.By doing this you will know what is normal for persuasive essays and you will be able to focus on these aspects of the craft. By knowing the average persuasive essay then you will be able to use techniques that will allow you to be successful in this area.After you have developed your persuasive essay, you need to make sure that you do not submit it to the wrong audience. If you submit it to people who do not care about persuasive essays then you will never see the light of day. This means that you should only submit your persuasive essay to places where persuasive essays are welcome.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Melting Ice Science Experiment
This is a fun, non-toxic project for kids of all ages. All you need is ice, salt, and food coloring. Materials You can use any type of salt for this project. Coarse salt, such as rock salt or sea salt, works great. Table salt is fine. Also, you could use other types of salt besides sodium chloride (NaCl). For example, Epsom salts are a good choice. You dont have to color the project, but its a lot of fun to use food coloring, water colors, or any water-based paint. You can use liquids or powders, whichever you have handy. Materials watersaltfood coloring (or watercolors or tempera paints) What To Do Make ice. You can use ice cubes for this project, but its nice to have larger pieces of ice for your experiment. Freeze water in shallow plastic containers such as disposable storage containers for sandwiches or leftovers. Only fill the containers part way to make relatively thin pieces of ice. The salt can melt holes all the way through thin pieces, making interesting ice tunnels.Keep the ice in the freezer until you are ready to experiment, then remove the blocks of ice and place them on a cookie sheet or in a shallow pan. If the ice doesnt want to come out, ts easy to remove ice from containers by running warm water around the bottom of the dish. Place the pieces of ice in a large pan or a cookie sheet. The ice will melt, so this keeps the project contained.Sprinkle salt onto the ice or make little salt piles on top of the pieces. Experiment!Dot the surface with coloring. The coloring doesnt color the frozen ice, but it follows the melting pattern. Youll be able to see channels, h oles, and tunnels in the ice, plus it looks pretty.You can add more salt and coloring, or not. Explore however you like. Clean Up This is a messy project. You can perform it outdoors or in a kitchen or bathroom. The coloring will stain hands, clothes, and surfaces. You can remove coloring from counters using a cleaner with bleach. How It Works Very young kids will like to explore and may not care too much about the science, but you can discuss erosion and the shapes formed by running water. The salt lowers the freezing point of water through a process called freezing point depression. The ice starts to melt, making liquid water. Salt dissolves in the water, adding ions that increase the temperature at which the water could re-freeze. As the ice melts, energy is drawn from the water, making it colder. Salt is used in ice cream makers for this reason. It makes the ice cream cold enough to freeze. Did you notice how the water feels colder than the ice cube? The ice exposed to the salty water melts faster than other ice, so holes and channels form.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay about Ansoff Matrix †Product Market Grid - 854 Words
Introduction to the Ansoff matrix The Ansoff product/ market matrix is a tool that helps businesses decide their product and market growth strategy. Ansoff’s product/ market matrix suggests that a business’ attempts to grow depend on whether it markets new or existing products in new or existing markets. The traditional four box grid or matrix Ansoff model Alternative Ansoff style matrix A revised version of the Ansoff matrix featuring a 3Ãâ€"3 or nine box grid or matrix. History – The Product / Market Matrix Igor Ansoff created the Product / Market diagram in 1957 as a method to classify options for business expansion. The simplisity of this model is that the four strategic options defined can be generically applied to any†¦show more content†¦For example by introducing loyalty schemes. A market penetration marketing strategy is very much about â€Å"business as usual†. The business is focusing on markets and products it knows well. It is likely to have good information on competitors and on customer needs. It is unlikely, therefore, that this strategy will require much investment in new market research. Market Development (new markets, existing products): Here we market our existing product range in a new market. This means that the product remains the same, but it is marketed to a new audience. Exporting the product, or marketing it in a new region, are examples of market development. Market development is the name given to a growth strategy where the business seeks to sell its existing products into new markets. There are many possible ways of approaching this strategy, including: ââ€" New geographical markets; for example exporting the product to a new country ââ€" New product dimensions or packaging: for example ââ€" New distribution channels ââ€" Different pricing policies to attract different customers or create new market segments Product Development (existing markets, new products): This is a new product to be marketed to our existing customers. Here we develop and innovate new product offerings to replace existing ones. Such products are then marketed to our existing customers. This often happens with the auto markets where existing modelsShow MoreRelatedDesigning A Product s Portfolio Essay997 Words  | 4 Pagesemulating its production and design, and there is a need to keep up with demand and expand the product s reach, as well as scope and audience, to make economic sense. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The And Worthy Of College Cost Essay - 2081 Words
â€Å"Post-secondary education should help students to discover what they do, to get better at it, and develop the ability to continue learning so that they become agent of change- not victims of it,†(Roth). The earnestness and worthy of college cost is implanted by the broadening educational accompaniments along with composing necessitous contributors to society, the urging need of higher skilled work, and the effectiveness in selecting a suitable institution. In broadening educational accompaniments along with the contributors involved in society, innovation is stimulated by high standards that are needed in place to promote the continuation of education and the providers that are formed from their college education. An urging need of higher skilled work is current in the economy by requesting a supply of college graduates along with their capabilities. The effectiveness in the selection of a suitable institution justifies the worth of cost in how it results the individual in completing their degree and the followed benefits in the duration of their life. The financial worth of college derives from the intellective objective that leads to innovating provisions to society. Attainments obtained from a college education ignite prosperity within the individual generating growth within a community due to their inputted contributions. The prospective of college affects one’s lifetime through a wide range of outcomes, not only through earnings (Pew Social). Recent studies haveShow MoreRelatedEssay about Higher Education for Free531 Words  | 3 PagesOver the years, college fees have gradually risen for high school graduates. It’s been said that most jobs with a college degree earn almost double of what a high school graduate would earn. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Portia The Control Freak Essay Example For Students
Portia The Control Freak Essay I would love to write a critical essay about the role of Portia in Shakespeare’s â€Å"Merchant of Venice,†hailing her as one of Shakespeare’s greatest contributions to the society of the sane; however, I find this impossible after re-reading the text. At first, I hung on her every word and was amazed at her wit, but later I found her to be just another Shakespearean psycho. Basically, I understood Portia to be nothing less than an obedient daughter obeying the whims of her dead, over-protective father. She speaks in terms of respect about the coffin ritual, and the reader believes her to be sincere. Later as her character is unfolded, the reader sees a wife in love with the husband who was wise enough to earn her love (and consequently her fortune! ). Beware, gentle reader! Do not fall under the spell of Portia the control freak! The following scenerios must be proof that this woman is not to be trusted! First of all, let’s evaluate the scene where Portia and Bassanio are before the caskets where Bassanio must make his choice. The dialogue directly preceeding the finding of the casket is basic lover’s speech, but wait! Listen carefully to what Portia says: â€Å"If you do love me, you will find me out†(III ii 41). Portia leads Bassanio to believe that the choice he makes in the caskets is his own. She leads the reader to believe that Bassanio’s love for her is the only force which leads to the discovery of the correct casket. However, earlier when Portia is speaking of the preparations for the casket choice, she speaks of music which is to be played while Bassanio makes his choice. Ok, this seems innocent enough; but examine the song–the first two lines of the song rhyme with lead! It doesn’t take long for the subliminal message to be absorbed in Bassanio’s brain, and the lead casket is chosen. This manipulative device is an indication to me that Portia has a need to make things go her way. She is afraid that Bassanio will make the wrong choice, and therefore assists him. Point #2. Portia creates a way of controlling the future of the relationship between herself and Bassanio. Portia gives Bassanio a ring with the words, â€Å"I give you this ring, which when you part from, lose, or give away, / Let it presage the ruin of your love†. Of course, Bassanio gives away the ring first chance he gets. Portia later makes known that the man he gave the ring to was her, and she proceeds to cold Bassanio for his lack of love. Bassanio is trapped! No matter what he does for the rest of their relationship, in his mind will remain the idea that Portia is watching! This is a clever device invented by Mr. Shakespeare; however, it does display a certain obsessive, manipulative air about Portia. Hmmmmm†¦. Lastly, I would like to take a venture. I was wondering earlier while reading the â€Å"Merchant of Venice†why Shakespeare used the doppel- ganger technique in his presentation of Nerissa and Portia. Nerissa follows Portia about and makes the same decisions Portia does. Nerissa s not as bright as Portia, and yet she meets the same ultimate fate as Portia. I am wondering if Shakespeare could have used Nerissa to point out the manipulative characteristics of Portia. It is true that one way that manipulative people feed is through weaker people who uphold them and their values. If anyone has any insight on this thought, let me know! Well, there you have it. My true feelings on Portia. Sure she is to be admired in some aspects, but perhaps as all great archetypes she has her foibles and faults. If anyone finds anything about the aforementioned aspects of Portia’s character, please let me know.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Coca Cola Company Corporate Social Responsibility
Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) entails the responsibilities that businesses have towards the societies within which they operate. Effective corporate social responsibility is associated with enhancing the value of shareholders. When a firm runs its business in a manner that accounts for social responsibility, the image and brand of the firm is highly recognized as well as respected.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Coca Cola Company’ Corporate Social Responsibility specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The recognition and respect for a firm’s brand is noted to affect the shareholders positively through adoption of a company’s products and services that is reflected by increased sales (Glann, 2009). There are various models of corporate social responsibility that guide businesses in executing their social responsibilities towards the societies within which they operate. For philanthropy model of CSR, companies are free to contribute to the social needs of the societies where they operate, but firms cannot be forced to do so. The integrative model entails a complete integration of social responsibility with a company’s mission as well as its strategy. The social web model considers firms as a citizen of the society in which it operates and thus, business should comply with the various ethical requirements and obligations that all citizens in the community face. The economic model involves limiting a company’s social responsibility to minimal economic responsibility of offering products and services, while ensuring they maximize profits within the law (Hartman Desjardins, 2011). Coca Cola Values and CSR Model Most Closely Associated With the Values Coca Cola is a company that upholds social corporate responsibility towards the community within which it operates. Coca Cola Company focuses on social responsibilities on various spheres of its operations. Coca Cola company social responsibilities values encompass social, economic, ethical as well as environmental concerns. Through the philanthropic model, the company is very committed towards the social affairs of the community. In order to cater for the social affairs of the community, Coca Cola Company provides health programs that provide health services for individuals suffering from tooth decay, diabetic and obesity. Similarly, Coca Cola Company has taken proactive approach to these health issues that are closely associated with its products and thus it finances various sport programs. In addition, Coca Cola has supplied various schools with countless fitness equipments and sports garments. Furthermore, Coca Cola has financed building and renovation of many youth centers. The Coca Cola Company does not limit its giving in United States of America only, but also extends its giving to other regions where it operates such as England, Egypt, New Zealand as well as S ingapore among other places.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The company is dedicated in sponsoring sports initiatives in order to encourage people and particularly in the regions where it operates to take part in healthy lifestyle through engaging in physical exercise. Sports and exercise has been noted as essential in preventing obesity, diabetics as well as cardiac related illness that are the major causes of death in developed nations Using the economic CSR model, Coca Cola Company believes in customer satisfaction and places quality as its top most priority. Coca Cola Company produces high quality products as well as quality packaging that are guaranteed by using quality ingredients and materials as well as controlling all its process such as manufacturing, bottling and distribution. The regulation is done in order to make sure that its products and packaging m eet the company’s standards as well as address consumers’ expectations in the marketplace. The company is committed in offering high standard products both in quality as well as safety. Coca Cola has used its high quality products as its competitive advantage over its rival firms in extending its operations in order to maximize its profits. Coca Cola Company uses the integrative model of CSR in order to ensure sustainability for natural resources as well as environment. Coca Cola Company uses energy in the best possible manner to ensure sustainability as well as reduce greenhouse gases emissions. In addition, the company uses water in the best way possible to save water wastage. As its strategy for saving water, the company engages in water treatment and recycling. Coca Cola uses the social web model of CSR in order to ensure it conforms to the communities’ ethics and obligations. Coca Cola Company does not engage in unethical conducts such as corruption as well as spillage of industrial wastes in rivers. In addition, Coca Cola Company marketing department does not engage in misleading advertisements in order to lure consumers to take its products. The company believes it is its responsibility to inform its consumers about the nutrition value of its products in order to help them make informed decisions. Coca Cola Company being a U.S. multinational company is entitles to act ethically in all its dealings. The company is not allowed to participate in any bribery instances in order to get business favors. In addition, the company is entitled to include a correct label for all the ingredients that have been used to make its products. This is important in order for customers to make informed decisions when buying the company’s products (Neill, 2009).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Coca Cola Company’ Corporate Social Responsibility specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Benefits of Coca Cola CSR Initiatives The Coca Cola Company has greatly benefited by adopting its social corporate responsibility. Coca Cola has engaged in social programs such as sponsoring social activities such as sports that are important in promoting the health of the communities concerned. Coca Cola products are classified as fast food which has high calorie content that is associated with causing obesity and diabetic. Therefore, by supporting concerned communities in sports, Coca Cola encourages these communities to embrace healthy lifestyle that is guaranteed by proper dieting and engagement in exercises. The strict regulations in the production of Coca Cola ensure that they offer very high quality products that do not endanger life of the consumers. In addition, the tendency of Coca Cola Company not to engage in unethical behaviors by not disposing its wastes products in rivers has made many people to have a positive attitude towards Coca Cola brand as we ll as its products which has eventually resulted to the success of Coca Cola Company both in United States as well as a multinational company. The Benefits and Drawbacks of the Organization’s CSR Initiatives Coca Cola corporate social responsibility initiatives have also been associated with some drawbacks. For example, the company has invested a lot of money in the development of alternative sources of energy in order to cut down on the greenhouse gases emission. In addition, the company has equally invested a lot of money in upgrading the efficiency of its water usage as well as in endeavor of sponsoring social activities. However, the company has benefited greatly in these undertakings. Examples of Ethical and unethical Advertisements Many companies are engaged in various forms of unethical conducts that ranges from bribery to the use of misinforming ads in order to gain a competitive advantage, over their rival brands. In attempt to increase its market share over its riva l brands such as Pepsi, Coca Cola Company can opt to bribe some government officials in order to be given permit to operate in certain regions. Bribery is considered as unethical that is contrary to proper operations of the United States multinational companies. The United States of America does not allow its companies to give bribes in order to be given business favors (Sandon, 2006). This has often compromised the performance of Coca Cola Company and mainly when the company expansion to certain regions has been limited by corrupt government officials who have solicited for bribes. Coca Cola Company can also engage in unethical act by using misinforming advertisements in order to lure a certain targeted group to consume their brand. For example, Coca Cola Company can use an ad like ‘a bottle of Sprite a day delays aging’ this ad can be used to lure the young people to start taking a bottle of sprite daily.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This advertisement can mainly be used to increase the sale of sprite in areas where the level of education is low. The use of misinforming ad to increase the sale of the product will help a company to realize its short term objectives for increased sales, but many people will stop consuming a company’s products when they learn they are being cheated. This will affect the performance of the company negatively in the long run. However, ethical conducts of companies will only have short term drawbacks, but they will greatly eventually greatly benefit the company through increased sales as well as recognition and respect for a company’s brand. A company like Coca Cola can inculcate ethics in its advertisement by including messages that are informative in its ads. For example, Coca Cola marketing team can use an ad with informative message like ‘For every bottle of sprite, walk for 20 minutes.’ This information is essential for healthy lifestyle as it encourage s people to exercise after taking sprite in order to burn the excess calorie contained in sprite. The model of CSR That is Most Applicable and for ABC Company The ABC which is a new manufacturing company located in the U.S.A. should take an integrative model of corporate social responsibility. This model is the best for ABC Company because it integrates the social responsibilities of the company with its c mission and strategy that enhanced their success implementation. In addition, integration of the corporate social responsibilities with a firm’s mission and strategy facilitate the assessment of their realization which is important in evaluating the effectiveness of the strategies employed to realize the set corporate social responsibilities and adjust accordingly. An example of a statement for corporate social responsibility for ABC Company includes; ‘ABC Company aspires to be the manufacturing company that leads in energy efficiency as well as environmental protecti on for the benefit of all.’ Conclusion Companies should adopt corporate social responsibility in order to promote recognition as well as adoption of their brands to enhance their performances. There are various models that are used by companies to address social responsibilities for communities concerned. Some of the CRS models that are employed by companies include: economic, philanthropy, social web and integrative model. Coca Cola Company has used the aforementioned CRS models in order to execute its social responsibility towards the community within which it operates. From the analysis of the models used by Coca Cola Company, the integrative model of CRS was identified as the best for ABC Company as it integrates the social responsibilities to the company’s mission and strategies. Reference List Glann, N. (2009). Social Responsibility: Company Management and Shareholders. Web. Hartman, L. Desjardins, J. (2011). Business Ethics. Web. Neill, M. (2009). Coca Cola Cor porate Social Responsibility. Journal of International Business. 5, 3, pp.30-60. Sandon, A. (2006). International Company and Ethics. Web. This research paper on Coca Cola Company’ Corporate Social Responsibility was written and submitted by user Paula E. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Cash payment made on quarterly or semi-annual basic by company to its shareholders. The WritePass Journal
Cash payment made on quarterly or semi-annual basic by company to its shareholders. Cash payment made on quarterly or semi-annual basic by company to its shareholders. IntroductionIs the company’s dividend policy irrelevant to its market value?Bird-in-the-handReferenceRelated Introduction A dividend is a distribution of after-tax profit. It is a cash payment made on quarterly or semi-annual basic by company to its shareholders. At the end of the each financial year every company has to decide (dividend decision) how much amount of earning to be retained by the company and how much amount to be distributed to shareholders. The dividend decision is important because it affects the amount of internally sourced finance available and also affects the return received by shareholders on the shares. Once the company decided to pay dividends, they may establish a somewhat permanent dividend policy, which may show the impact of the investors and the financial markets. Establishing a specific dividend policy is to the advantage of both the company and the shareholder. The distribution of dividends requires the approval of the board of directors and paid out to shareholders a few weeks later. There are several dates between the times the board declares the dividend un til the dividend is actually paid. The first date of note is the declaration date which the board of director declares the time or date is announced. The next date of note is ex-dividend date which time investors must have bought the stock to receive the dividend. The investor, who buying the stock after ex-dividend date is not receiving any dividend, record date, is a few days after the ex-dividend date the company close its stock transfer books and make up a list of the shareholder, who will receive the dividend. The final step is payment date which the checks of dividend will send to the shareholders. There are different types of dividend, which are cash or as additional stock which increase the number of shares outstanding and generally reduce the price per share, regular dividend which is paid at regular intervals, or a special dividend which is paid in addition to regular dividend and liquidating dividend which are excess of the retained earning they show on their book. There exist four main types of dividend policy theories Modigliani and Miller (1961) dividend Irrelevancy theory, Linter and Gordon (bird-in-the-hand) Theory, Signalling properties of dividend and clientele effect. Is the company’s dividend policy irrelevant to its market value? One of the financial theorists (Miller and Modigliani, 1961) provides a proposition for dividend policy irrelevance. They assume that perfect capital markets, meaning no taxes or transaction costs exist, the market price has many buyer or seller, and there is costless and feely access to information. Modigliani and Miller state that dividend policy was not one of the determinants of share price .Share value is independent of the level of dividend paid. A firm pay dividend is irrelevant and those stockholders are indifferent about receiving dividend. For example, from the aspect of investor, that the company paid too big dividend, investor could buy more share with the dividend that is over the investor’s expectations. Similarly if the company paid too little dividend, an investor could sell some of the company’s share to reflect the cash flow their expected. Market value of company its cost of capital is independent of its capital structure. According to their argument dividend policy is unaffected and irrelevance of market share price .Should the company pay out to its shareholders or retain that money to make new project. Modigliani and Millers dividend-irrelevance theory says that investors can affect their return on a stock regardless of the stocks dividend Residual Policy Modigliani and Miller argued that financial objective is maximise shareholder wealth when the share price is maximised. Shareholders are indifferent between dividends and capital gain. Company is used M M Residual dividend policy when a company undertake all positive NPV project and paid out the residual as dividend. Alternatively a company with not enough funds to invest new project, paid no dividend and the additional funds can obtain from outside sources. They were arguing that if company followed the best investment policy the value of company is irrelevance to its dividend policy. They also argue that shareholders are also indifferent to the timing of dividend payment because if there were no dividends the market value of company would increase to reflect as future dividend and share price is also increasing resulting from the returns of investment. A dividend policy is irrelevant because shareholders have the ability to create â€Å"homemade†dividends that mean that ca pital gain is not perfect suitable for dividend in cash flow terms. This income is achieved by individuals adjusting their personal portfolios to reflect their own preferences. For example some shareholders prefer to get steady of income are more likely to invest in bonds, which interest payment don’t change ,rather than dividend –paying stock, which value can fluctuate. Bird-in-the-hand On the other hands, Lintner (1962) and Gordon (1963) believe that company dividend policies are relevant to their share price. Under conditions of uncertainty and imperfect capital market ,he argued â€Å"bird-in-the-hand†theory that investor can reduce the financial risk associated with their investment if the return is received in the form of dividend earlier, rather than capital gain or higher dividends later. On this analysis, current dividend represent less risky than future capital gain. Therefore, company paying higher dividend will be more worth than company paying lower dividend. Dividend policy is one of the importance factors of determining share price. Gorden argued that the payment of current dividends â€Å"determine investor uncertainty†. The key assumption, as argued by Lintner and Gordon, is that because of the less risky nature dividends, shareholders and investors will discount the firm’s dividend stream at a lower rate of return, â€Å"râ₠¬ , thus increasing the value of the firm’s shares. According to dividend growth model, the value of an ordinary share, Po is given by: Po=D1/(r-g) Where the constant dividend growth rate is denoted by g, r is the investor’s required rate of return and D1, represent the next dividend payments. Thus the lower r is in relation to the value of dividend payment D1, the greater the share’s value. In the investor’s view, according to Linter and Gordon, r the return from the dividend, is less risky than the future growth rate g. Signalling effect of dividend This theory argued that financial information is asymmetric and managers will always know more than shareholders about the future financial prospects of the company. The dividend declared can be interpreted as a signal from directors to shareholders about the strength of underlying project cash flows. Increasing dividend is usually seen as good news, indicating that the company has positive prospects. The theory of dividend signalling has usually refers to a cash distribution of retain earnings. Reference Watson, D. and Head, A. (2010) Corporate finance Principles Practice.5th edition. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Byetree procurement strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words
Byetree procurement strategy - Essay Example However, this changed and went beyond the old practices when the UK government became active in the promotion of sustainable development and combating climate change (AECOM, 2012). In addition, the highway customers/consumers have become discerning on the quality and quantity of MSA services. It is a great challenge for the Baytree Leisure Plc, which is the developer of a proposed MSA, to design and build the facilities in accordance with the existing Building and Environment Regulations of UK, and customers’ demands and expectations. Therefore, it is in this context that the Baytree Plc has determined the type of procurement method to be applied in order to mitigate the construction and engineering risks as well as to achieve total sustainability and environment-worthiness of the project. Key Procurement Issues for Baytree Leisure Plc Procurement process for Baytree in the development of Motorway Services Area (MSA) is covered by the UK standard with the goal for an efficient and streamlined approach. To meet and achieve satisfying result, the project will integrate all members/key people in the procurement chain which included the project owner, contractors, sub-contractors and the customers. A closer working experience between Baytree and its general contractor and specialty contractors may yield better results in consideration of the requirement of customers. Customers in this instance are the driving public not only in the area but also visitors. Their needs must be considered from the design process to the procurement in order to fully address time, cost, and quality constraints if any. These are described in detail on the next discussion. Key procurement issues for Baytree for the construction and development of MSA in consideration of the requirements include but not limited to the design of sustainable and environmentally sound MSA details, integration of this design to the various stages, identifying locally available materials suppliers as wel l as well as professionals and teamworkers, and identifying alternative sustainable and environmentally sound supplies, materials and equipment, efficient delivery and storage. Design Process The design process employs strategies and systems to meet the following: Energy and environmental performance standards Maintain a view of the whole project as a seamless whole within the context of the locality Understands that the project exists within the context of a natural ecosystem even in an urban setting Incorporation of interdisciplinary collaboration throughout the design and construction process Maximised performance through maintenance of air quality as natural as possible and increased use of natural or daylighting Integration of all important construction and project design decisions and strategies prior to programming phase Optimised design choices through use of simulations, models, and other design tools Employment of life-cycle cost analysis in purchasing and general decision -making System must be easy to maintain and operate Equipment and systems must assure continued optimum performance Maintain well-documented performance to meet design intentions Resource-efficient construction operations
Friday, February 7, 2020
A Critical Analysis of Rehabilitation in Contemporary Penal Policy Essay
A Critical Analysis of Rehabilitation in Contemporary Penal Policy - Essay Example A working definition of â€Å"rehabilitation†is needed in order to perform an analysis, though even a few definitions evidence how differently the word can be interpreted. The British Humanist Association, in discussing rehabilitation, comments whether we should â€Å"be reforming and educating criminals, so that they have something better to do with their lives and no longer want to commit crimes?†. Lewis, after summarizing the many documents produced of late by the Home Office on the topic of crime, states, â€Å"These documents seem to give significant weight to the rehabilitation of offenders on the basis that such strategies will reduce reoffending†. Clearly, while both have a goal of reducing the commission of crimes by former inmates, the Humanists appear to have a concern for the content of the strategies, not just the process. Lewis proposes his own definition of rehabilitation, â€Å"the process whereby offenders are afforded the opportunity to be ful l members of society, with the rights and responsibilities that this entails.â€
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Through the Tunnel- Doris Lessing Essay Example for Free
Through the Tunnel- Doris Lessing Essay 1. The inner journey that the boy takes on his self-imposed physical rite of passage is his transition from childhood and emerging into young manhood. This transition is mostly symbolised in this short story by the Jerry’s experience of preparing to go through the tunnel after watching the other boys swim through the tunnel. Jerry practised holding his breath in order to get over the first barrier in achieving his desired destination, the light at the end of the tunnel which symbolises the beginning of his young manhood. This inner journey of growing up is also represented through the physical aspects of the journey when he went from staying with his mother on the safe beach to the dangerous, risky and rocky bay with the French boys. This maturing is also represented when he wanted to give up on his quest after suffering numerous nosebleeds and his fear of death in the tunnel. However he decides to complete the quest anyway based on impulse and by pushing through, he has found self confidence and maturity which is seen by his wanting to be independent of his mother. 2. Lessing conveys the elements of the inner journey that Jerry grows through by using extensive symbolism and metaphors in the story. This third person narration provides an omniscient view on the main theme in the story- the coming of age in Jerry. Her use of third person narration allows her to explore the characters stream of consciousness such as, â€Å"She was thinking, Of course hes old enough to be safe without me. Have I been keeping him too close? He mustnt feel he ought to be with me. I must be careful†. This sort of narration allows Lessing to give detailed descriptions of the surroundings such as the different colours on the beach and uses the colours to show the transition in Jerry from innocence to taking risks such as when Jerry is approaching the bay, where the rocks where just â€Å"red –brown†before becoming â€Å"rough, sharp†. The metaphors and symbolism is also visible when Jerry is swimming through the tunnel, there was a period of darkness before emerging in the light from the crack in the tunnel, symbolising the turmoil inside the child of wanting to be independent before emerging into young adulthood. The native boys also prove to be a strong motif in the story as Jerry used to look up to these boys and wanted to do what they did. â€Å"They were big boys- men, to Jerry†, quotes how Jerry yearned to be like them, men. He sees swimming though the tunnel as a rite of passage. However after being able to achieve what the boys had done, Jerry wanted nothing to do with them as he had symbolically emerged into adulthood, â€Å"He could see the local boys diving and playing half a mile away. He did not want them.â€
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Race And Law In Philadelphia :: essays research papers
RACE AND THE LAW IN PHILADELPHIA      If you’re ever driving down I-95 through Philadelphia, you will notice an exit for Allegheny Avenue. Allegheny Ave is one of the most dangerous parts of Philly you can drive through. Predominantly black with some Puerto Ricans and a handful of whites, Allegheny is situated between the Delaware River and abandoned industrial complexes. Windows are kept closed and doors are locked as you drive past bums, drug dealers, scorched abandoned cars, sleazy strip bars, cops and crack heads. You can buy cocaine and marijuana on almost every side street just by driving down with your window rolled down. Corners with lots of shoes hanging from a single telephone poll advertise heroin and crack. Once you drive under the L-train, you can amuse yourself by playing the spot-the-prostitute-game. Paddy wagons are never parked to far away and cops patrol by, ignoring the misdemeanors around them and just trying to make worthwhile arrests.      If you go no more than 20 minutes west, you’ll end up in Manyunk, which is directly on the border of Philadelphia, and to residents, is considered part of it. Unlike Allegheny Ave, the main street is littered with import stores, hip coffee houses, yuppie bars and colorful banners that welcome you to the town. It’s a perfect place for happy couples and families to go for shopping, dinning, and entertainment. The surrounding neighborhoods mainly consist of white people who have grown up in Philadelphia. There are plenty of barking dogs, swing sets and kids who play street hockey without a worry besides being home by dinner. The families are mainly blue-collar workers that are able to send their kids to parochial schools. Everyone knows everyone else in the neighborhood and you get the sense that people watch out for each other. Occasionally a cop will patrol by but nothing ever really goes on besides the occasional breaking of the noise curfew. All in all, there isn’t a lot of law enforcement there because there doesn’t need to be.      You’re probably wondering why these two neighborhoods are different. A lot of different factors come into play but I will attempt to explain it anyway. First, environment definitely seems to be a big factor in the direction a community will take. Allegheny Ave is pretty much detached from a lot of the city. The schools are seriously over-crowded and are known to be dangerous.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Taiwan Scholarship Program Guidelines
The Taiwan Scholarship Program Guidelines are duly enacted in accordance with Article 4 of the Taiwan Scholarship2.Types of Scholarships and benefits:Undergraduate Scholarships: These scholarships are for foreign students who want to pursue undergraduate studies at universities/colleges in Taiwan. A stipend of NT$25,000 per month per student will be provided. (2) Master’s Scholarships: Scholarships in the amount of NT$30,000 per month will be provided for qualified foreign students who want to pursue their master’s degrees at universities/colleges in Taiwan. (3) Ph.D. Scholarships: Scholarships in the amount of NT$30,000 per month will be provided for qualified foreign students who want to pursue their Ph.D. degrees at universities/colleges in Taiwan.The aforementioned scholarships will be under the supervision of the universities/colleges and stipends will be awarded monthly based on the students’ attendance records and academic performance. Tuition, accommodati on, insurance and miscellaneous fees are all included in the scholarships herein stated. For the scholarships, which are sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (ROC), each student will be provided with a stipend of NT$30,000 per month, plus an economy airfare for direct roundtrip flights. 3.Quotas and Scholarships Offered by Government Agencies:Taiwan scholarship quotas will be discussed and decided by the Taiwan Scholarship Management and Promotion Committee and are contingent upon the annual budget allotments. Taiwan Scholarships are funded by the Ministry of Education (MOE), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), the National Science Council of the Executive Yuan (NSC) and the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). Scholarships offered by the aforementioned agencies are as follows:(1) MOE: Undergraduate/Masters’s/ Ph.D. Scholarships; (2) MOFA: Undergraduate Scholarships; (3) NSC: Master’s/ Ph.D. Scholarships; and (4) MOEA: Masterâ€℠¢s/ Ph.D. Scholarships; limited to graduate degree programs and are related to science, engineering, agriculture, medicine and hi-tech fields. Recipients, whose scholarships are sponsored by the MOE or MOFA, may attend Language Enrichment Programs (Hereinafter referred to as LEP) in University-affiliated Chinese Language Centers (Hereinafter referred to as language centers) in Taiwan up to one year, in order to improve their language proficiency, before beginning their degree programs.A stipend of NT$25,000 for MOE recipients, and NT$30,000 for MOFA recipients per month, per student will be provided. Those who apply for the Master’s and/or Ph.D. Scholarships from the NSC and MOEA can not apply for the Language Enrichment Program.4. Duration of Scholarships:(1) Undergraduate Scholarships: maximum four years; (2) Master’s Scholarships: maximum two years; and (3) Ph.D. Scholarships: maximum three years.The total and maximum number of years for foreign students to recei ve scholarships (including LEP) will be five years. In principle, scholarships will begin from August 1 of each year and continue until July 31, of the following year. Scholarship recipients who are approved for summer programs or LEP may be assigned different scholarship award dates. If the recipient fails to enroll before the semester starts, the scholarship will begin from the month he/she arrives in Taiwan to study. Scholarships will begin from the month of student enrollment and will stop when the scholarship ends, the recipient graduates, drops out, is expelled, or upon cancellation of the scholarship, whichever comes first. Scholarship applicants shall not accept more than one scholarship issued by ROC (Taiwan) governmental agencies and/or educational institutions at the same time.If the applicant was granted more than one scholarship, he/she shall select only one scholarship to receive; if an applicant is found to be receiving more than one scholarship at the same time, the applicant shall be disqualified and asked to return the scholarship money already received.5. Qualifications: Applicants must meet the following requirements: (1) They should have a good academic record and moral character; (2) They should neither be Overseas Chinese Students nor ROC nationals; (3) They should not be scholarship recipients from other ROC government agencies or institutions in Taiwan; (4) They should not be exchange students who are admitted in accordance with academic cooperation agreements made between local educational universities/ colleges and foreign educational institutions;(5) They should not have had their scholarships cancelled in accordance with these Guidelines; (6) They should not have received Taiwan Scholarships of the same type; (7) The total duration of their scholarship(s) should not exceed 5 years; (8) They should not be foreign students who have already enrolled at local educational institutions at their own expense. (However, they will be elig ible to apply to individual universities/colleges for Foreign Students’ Scholarships, which are subsidized by the MOE.)6. Application Process:(1) Procedure: The overseas missions of the ROC should refer to MOE Regulations Regarding International Students undertaking Studies in Taiwan and these Guidelines while receiving and reviewing applications either independently or in joint cooperation with foreign local governments, schools, or cultural and educational institutions. Each year, by the end of January, the overseas missions should report their selection and assessment methods (through meetings or paper review) regarding these scholarships to the related government agencies and the MOE. (2) Application Period: Annually from February 1st through the end of March.(3) Required Documents: Applicants need to submit the following documents: A. Taiwan Scholarship Application Form (Form A with Study Plan; the format will be regulated by the MOE); B. Proof of highest educational qua lifications and academic performance; C. Proof of application to enroll at local universities/colleges and/or language centers (e.g. a copy of the application form); and D. Other documents as requested by the overseas missions of the ROC.(4) Selection: After reviewing the application documents, the overseas missions will select eligible scholarship candidates, as well as alternatives and create a list. This list will be sent to the related universities/colleges or language centers by the end of April for their reference. Copies of this list will also be provided to the related government agencies and the MOE. (5) Approval: Applicants are responsible for their application process to the universities/colleges or language centers that they would like to attend. Each school and/or language center shall refer to the guidelines of individual schools admission process for foreign students and begin the application review process. The school and/or language center should notify candidates, of their final decision, no later than mid-June.(6) Notification of Admission: Applicants, upon receiving their admission letter, need to submit a copy of the admission letter to the designated respective overseas missions in order to secure their scholarship by no later than the end of June. Late submission of these documents, after the deadline will be deemed as a waiver for accepting the scholarship. In this case, the respective overseas mission should send a scholarship award letter to all qualified recipients and inform the alternative(s) in order to fill any vacancy(s). Candidates will be disqualified if they fail to pass the application review process of respective schools.(7) Acceptance Lists: By the end of July, the overseas missions should provide recipient acceptance lists, which will include their legal names, Chinese names, nationalities, gender, scholarship sponsoring agencies, type of scholarship, duration of scholarship, admitting universities/colleges and/or lang uage centers, highest educational qualifications, references of the recipients and other information to the related government agencies (including the MOE) and universities/colleges and/or language centers involved.The overseas missions shall also provide such information to the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the MOFA and the National Police Agency of Ministry of Interior, in order to assist them with their follow-up procedures. In case of special conditions or failure to complete the aforementioned processes, before the required deadlines, the overseas missions should report such circumstances to the related government agencies for approval (and inform the MOE of such events). (8) For those recipients whose scholarships are funded by the MOFA, the respective ROC overseas missions will purchase one-way economy airfare tickets to Taiwan for the recipients.The overseas missions need to submit the original receipts and copies of passenger coupons to the MOFA in order to be reimbursed. T he return economy airfare tickets will be bought by the MOFA. 7. Renewal process for scholarship recipients in Taiwan before the expiration of scholarships and the application for enrollment: (1) Recipients who want to pursue further study programs need to follow the terms found in Subparagraph (2) and (3) of this Article. For other recipients in Taiwan, who wish to renew their scholarships (in August), they have to submit each year a Taiwan Scholarship Application Form (Form B; the format will be regulated by the MOE) and reports of their academic performance to their universities/colleges by the end of February.The universities/colleges will review their applications to see if they are qualified and send the list to the related government agencies (including the MOE) for review in order to reserve the number of scholarship recipients and follow the Article 10 for allocation. (2) The MOE may assist recipients who have been approved for scholarships up to five years (the LEP and undergraduate degree programs) in applying to enroll undergraduate programs. If the said recipients are unable to apply to universities/colleges on their own, they may submit their reports of academic performance (including the academic records for each year of their highest study, including language center records) and the Admission Assistance Application Form (the format will be regulated by the MOE) to the language centers.These language centers will coordinate all forms and send them to the MOE. The MOE will assist in selecting the proper universities, according to the recipients’ wishes and levels of language proficiency. Applicants should agree to abide by all final arrangements. (3) Scholarship recipients, who wish to continue to study for their master or doctoral degrees, upon completion of their previous course of study, need to apply for the admission to the new degree program on their own. (4) Universities/colleges that accept these scholarship recipients, as state d in Subparagraph (2) and (3) of this Article, shall submit the lists to the related government agencies (including the MOE) by the end of June for review, in order to reserve the number of scholarship recipients and follow Article 10 for allocation.8. Application process for re-applying for Taiwan Scholarships after the scholarships expire: Scholarship recipients who have already studied in Taiwan will be regarded as new students after the expiration of their scholarships. If they wish to re-apply for other types of scholarship and pursue further degree programs here, they need to follow Article 6 of these Guidelines and submit the Taiwan Scholarship Application Form (Form A) and their academic records to the ROC overseas missions by the end of March. The total duration of their scholarship period cannot exceed five years, as regulated by Article 4 Paragraph 2 of the Guidelines. Undergraduate, Master’s and Doctoral Scholarships recipients whose scholarship period was awarded for only one year, in accordance to the previous version of these Guidelines, should renew their scholarships following Article 7 Subparagraph(1) of these Guidelines, and are not subject to the regulations stated in the previous Paragraph of this Article. 9. The Suspension and Cancellation of Scholarships:(1) LEP students: A. If a student is absent for more than ten hours of class (serious illness and accidents excluded) within a single month, the language centers will suspend his/her scholarship the following month. B. Starting from the second quarter of study in Taiwan, if a student’s academic average is less than 80%, his/her scholarships for the next quarter will be suspended for one month. If a student’s academic average is less than 80% for two consecutive quarters, his/her scholarship status will be cancelled beginning with the next quarter.The remainder of the scholarship will also be cancelled. C. If a student is suspended from or drops out of school, the lan guage center will suspend his/her scholarship and inform the related government agencies in writing (including the MOE) in order to cancel his/her scholarship status. The remaining scholarships will also be cancelled. (2) Undergraduate/ Master’s/ Ph.D. students:A. For those Undergraduate/ Master’s scholarships recipients who are in each year of their study; Ph.D. scholarships recipients who are in the first two years of their study, if their academic average is below the passing standard set up by the school for any given semester, their school will suspend their scholarships for one month beginning with the next semester. If the schools have not set up an academic grading standard, then an undergraduate student’s academic average cannot be less than 60%, while a master and doctoral student’s academic average cannot be less than 70%. If a student is below passing for two consecutive semesters, their scholarship status will be cancelled starting the next s emester. Their remaining scholarships will also be cancelled.For those who are in their third year of a doctoral program, they must submit their thesis proposals to their schools, by the end of October of that year. Scholarships will be granted each month, if the schools approve the students’ proposals. Otherwise, scholarships will be suspended until proposals are approved, and will resume beginning from the month of approval. C. If a student is suspended from or drops out of school, his/her school will automatically suspend his/her scholarships and inform the related government agencies in writing (including the MOE) in order to cancel his/her scholarship status.The remaining scholarships will also be cancelled. 10. The Allocation and Verification of Scholarships Accounts: (1) Allocation: Universities/colleges need to make a list of scholarship recipients and vouchers based on the various types of scholarships provided by the different government agencies. Universities/ c olleges should enclose their list of qualified recipients and vouchers, and apply to the MOFA or the MOE (scholarship stipends provided by the NSC and the MOEA are handled through the MOE; it should be noted on each voucher that the MOE is in charge of the allocation of funds for scholarships) for appropriation in January and August. Each institution will directly pay a monthly stipend to the students or to their accounts.(2) Verification of Scholarship Financial Transactions or Reports: A. For scholarships provided by MOFA, universities/colleges need to provide student signed receipts, or documents which show that money has been transferred into the students’ bank accounts, to the MOFA for verification in August and December. B. For scholarships provided by the NSC and the MOEA, universities/colleges need to provide three copies of financial transaction reports (signed by the head of the universities/colleges, accountants and cashiers) and any remainder of the stipends to th e MOE (for it to make a transfer to the NSC and the MOEA at the end of fiscal year in order to close the case) in August and December.C. For scholarships provided by the MOE, universities/colleges need to provide two copies of financial transaction reports (signed by the head of the universities/colleges, accountants and cashiers) and any remainder of the stipends to the MOE in August and December. Universities/colleges need to also keep the original copies for the Ministry of Audit or other related authorities for review. 11. Emergency Deductions: In case of financial difficulties, a scholarship recipient may request that the school deduct tuition, miscellaneous expenses, insurance premiums and other payable fees in a lump sum or in installments from his/her award, and issue the remaining amount to the scholarship recipient.12. Transferring to other schools: If scholarship recipients need to transfer to other institutions due to health, psychological reasons or special environmenta l surroundings, they need to follow MOE Regulations Regarding International Students undertaking Studies in Taiwan. If the institution or language center agrees to their transfer, these institutions must inform the related government agencies (including the MOE) for future review. Only one transfer is permitted. 13. Additional Information:(1) The MOE may allocate administration subsidies to institutions that join the Taiwan Scholarships Program and set aside a budget to assist institutions in setting up an information service center, in order to strengthen communication and the governing system for scholarships students. (2) ROC overseas missions shall organize orientations, in order to provide scholarship recipients with relevant information, before they travel to Taiwan. (3) ROC overseas missions shall be aware, if a student gives up his/her opportunity to come to Taiwan. If such a case happens, the ROC overseas missions will replace this student with another alternative.(4) Schol arship recipients should arrive at their designated universities/colleges or language centers prior to the day of registration. Institutions should report the names of those who fail to register, to the related government agencies (including the MOE), by the end of October. (5) Medical insurance fees are already included in the stipends. Universities/colleges and language centers should require that scholarship recipients join the National Health Insurance plan. Scholarship recipients must purchase other forms of medical insurance before enrolling in the National Health Insurance plan. The premium of the medical insurance plan will be deducted from the scholarships; the remaining scholarship money will be given to the scholarship recipients.(6) The ROC overseas missions should ask scholarship recipients to provide them with academic records or a report, postal and email addresses, within one month of the return to their respective countries after they complete their studies in Taiwa n. (7) Each year by the end of October, the ROC overseas missions need to send a comprehensive evaluation, which should include each student’s academic records and the other materials as stated in the Subparagraph (6) of this Article, to all the related government agencies (including the MOFA and the MOE) (8) To improve healthcare services for MOFA scholarship recipients, the MOFA may arrange health examinations for the recipients.The MOFA shall coordinate with schools and hospitals for such examinations, with fees to be covered by its Taiwan Scholarship budget. 14. The selection process regarding the Taiwan Scholarships, their types, benefits and duration will be subject to the terms regulated in the above Guidelines. Scholarships, which have been awarded due to bilateral negotiations, cultural and educational agreements, or based on the terms of equality and reciprocity, or special circumstances, approved by heads of government agencies are not subject to the terms and r egulations under these Guidelines.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Demise of the Roman Empire Essay - 1452 Words
A little over 2000 years ago Rome was one of the most important cities in the world. With its many emperors and armies it had gained control of a vast area of modern Europe known as the Roman Empire. Historians have linked several factors which led to the demise of the Roman Empire mostly associated with each other. Some of the reasons were the arrival of Christianity, lead poisoning and poor public health, political corruption with high military expenses, high unemployment with a rise of inflation and taxation in the economy. It was a combination of these factors which eventually led the final fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD when the last emperor Augustulus Romulus was overthrew by a Germanic Guard named Odoacer. Rome was a†¦show more content†¦As there was no proper method of electing successive emperors the selection was generally debated between the old emperor, the Praetorian Guard, the senate and the army. Eventually the Praetorian Guard gained total authority of the vote for the new emperor. This practice lasted for several hundred years and at times the emperor was elected from the highest bidder. In 186 AD the new emperor was strangled by the army and during the following century Rome had thirty seven emperors in which twenty-five were assassinated. Although many of these emperors with their large armies gained vast control of many countries which extended entirely around the basin of the Mediterranean Sea, including what we know today as Turkey, Israel, Egypt, and North Africa, France (called Gaul), Spain called Hispania and Portugal (Iberia) and modern England, it took up to 600,000 soldiers to maintain this large empire which put a huge strain on finances. Many improve ments were made within their conquered territories with improved infrastructure by the building of bridges and roads between these different countries. It was mainly the political corruption and the associated costs of maintaining their armies of these emperors which contributed mostly to the weakness and fall of the Roman Empire. While Christianity was increasing in popularity a large number of citizens became pacifists and refused to defend the empire against barbarian attacks. Many women and slaves became Christians becauseShow MoreRelatedThe Fall Of The Roman Empire846 Words  | 4 PagesVance Take Home Essay Final Fall 2014 A1. For an empire that lasted nearly 500 years, the fall of the Roman Empire was influenced by various different events. Four troubled ingredientes lead to the demise of the the greatest empire of all time; politics, money, social, and war. It is important to note that the fall of the Roman Empire does not mean that the romans lost everything, it is just a reference to the fall of the western roman empire. 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