Friday, December 27, 2019
My Fathers Prostitute By Steven Whitacre - 1871 Words
Steven Whitacre experienced a very traumatic childhood of abuse from his father which led to a very difficult adulthood. In his book â€Å"My Fathers Prostitute†, he talks about his life, starting out when his father first abused him to more recent times in adulthood to where he finally sought help and started to move on in his life started to live the life he should and deserves. This book really opened my eyes on what all goes on in this world that I would have never guessed. â€Å"Every eight minutes, a child is sexually assaulted in the U.S., and 93% know the perpetrator†(â€Å"Adult Survivors of Childhood†). To me this statistic seems insane and I cannot ever imagine being sexually assaulted by anyone let alone one of my parents that I am supposed to trust and love. When you really think about it, that how every eight minutes a child is getting sexually assaulted it is astonishing. It makes me wonder how many people I know that I have been sexually assaulte d but don’t tell anyone. I assume there are many different cases of sexual assault and how there are different levels of how traumatic they are to the individual someone came upon. With some people, the sexual assault only happened once, and with others like the author of My Fathers Prostitute it happens during their entire childhood to impact the individual even more. I am not saying that the individuals who have only been sexually assaulted once came out un hurt or traumatized, but I would just imagine that it would not leaveShow MoreRelatedSummary Of My Father s Prostitute By Steven Whitacre2060 Words  | 9 Pages11/6/17 Book Analysis: My Father’s prostitute â€Å"My Father’s Prostitute†by Steven Whitacre, is an honest and chilling book about an innocent boy’s struggle from child to adulthood. When reading this book, I found myself completely shocked and interested at the same time. It was different to read a book from the authors life and I think that is what made it that much more interesting. â€Å"My Father’s Prostitute†is a book about a child’s struggle, that leads into adulthood. When Steven was about four years
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Impressionism and Post Impressionism Essay - 2229 Words
Expressive Essay In this essay, I will contrast and compare the two art movements, Impressionism, and Post-Impressionism. I will be concentrating on the works of the two leading artists of these styles Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh. The impressionist movement is often considered to mark the beginning of the modern period of art. It was developed in France during the late 19th century. The impressionist movement arose out of dissatisfaction with the classical, dull subjects and clean cut precise techniques of painting. They preferred to paint outdoors concentrating more on landscapes and street scenes, and began to paint ordinary everyday people and liked to show the effects in natural light. Claude Monet is often†¦show more content†¦Aside from the dark shadows the painting is done in light, bright colours and once again Monet shows his skill in portraying a nice sunny day by the riverside. He has managed to give the impression of calm rippling water by using rough brushstrokes. He uses a mix of light and darker colours to show the sun glistening across the water. The painting creates a rel axing and the light colours, calm water and slow moving boats create pleasant mood, which I think. I like this painting and I especially like the way in which Monet has created many different areas that show a range of colours, techniques and all add something different to the painting. This variety draws you in and shows a real commitment and dedication to detail. These two paintings have many similarities, however they both show different sides to Monets style of painting. Le Grenouillere has much thicker brushstrokes and concentrates on darker colours such as greens and browns. In the Road- Bridge he tends to use much lighter yellows and blues and his brushstrokes are much shorter and rougher. This creates quite different moods and the second painting has a much sunnier and happier mood. The paintings are very similar in that the effects of the sun bouncing across the water plays a key part in both paintings. I would have to say The Road-Bridge at Argentile is myShow MoreRelatedI mpressionism; Post-Impressionism Essay674 Words  | 3 PagesImpressionism Impressionism as an historical art period is best described as a shift in thinking and focus. This paradigm shift, away from realism and toward individualism, began a centuries long transformation of self-expression in art as a whole. Impressionism is generally considered a French movement and is typically defined as spanning from approximately 1867 to 1886. Impressionism is best embodied by and was perhaps initiated by Claud Monet in such world-renowned works as Impressions: soleilRead MoreA Brief Note On Impressionism And Post Impressionism958 Words  | 4 PagesIWT1 Task 1 Impressionism and Post Impressionism By WGU student In early 19th century, the French government controlled the Academies des Beaux-Arts and Salon de Paris of paintings. The Academies were considered the ruling authority and held annual art exhibits called salons. The salons featured works of art that conformed to their standards. In the second half of the 19th century, Impressionism began which was a result of French artists rejecting traditional government and their standards. In 1874Read MoreImpressionism and Post-Impressionism Essay1663 Words  | 7 PagesImpressionism and Post-Impressionism are two artistic movements that had profound influences on the artistic community and world as a whole. Both sought to break the molds of previous artistic styles and movements by creating work truly unique to the artist him or herself. The artists of the Impressionism and Post-Impressionism movements employed vibrant color pallets, well defined brush strokes, and unique perspectives on their subjects that sought to capture light, movement, and emotions on canvasRead MoreImpressionism vs Post - impressionism1880 Words  | 8 Pagesï » ¿ Impressionism vs Post Impressionism Modern culture is believed to be the brainchild of two versions of the Protestant worldview: the northern French positivism and irrationalism. If the first is trying to discern the signs of the afterlife in the image of reality (which is actually a reflection of the culture established meanings)Read MorePost-impressionism and Artists1298 Words  | 6 PagesImpressionism was a movement that came about in the late 19th century, most specifically its roots can be traced back the 1874 when a group called the Anonymous Society of Painters, Sculptors, Printmakers, etc. organized an exhibition in Paris. (Samu, 2004). The group led several exhibitions through the 1880’s which brought them into the spot light despite criticism from the conventional art community in France. The movement received its name from one of the movements most now most recognized artistsRead MoreEssay about A Comparison of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism2200 Words  | 9 PagesA Comparison of Impre ssionism and Post-Impressionism In this essay, I will contrast and compare the two art movements, Impressionism, and Post-Impressionism. I will be concentrating on the works of the two leading artists of these styles Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh. The impressionist movement is often considered to mark the beginning of the modern period of art. It was developed in France during the late 19th century. The impressionist movement arose out of dissatisfaction with theRead MorePost Impressionism and Art Essay877 Words  | 4 PagesPost Impressionism and Art Modernism is an art movement that is characterized by a deliberate departure from tradition to a more expressive form that distinguishes many styles in the arts and literature of the late nineteenth and twentieth century. Emile Bernard was part of this modern art movement as can be seen in his painting, Breton Woman and Haystacks, painted around 1888. Impressionists were modern artists who tended to paint outside landscapes and street scenes and were concernedRead MoreIwt1 Task 1 Wgu Essay1294 Words  | 6 PagesIWT1 Task 1 Impressionism and Post Impressionism By WGU student In early 19th century, the French government controlled the academies and salons of paintings. The impressionism took place in second half of 19th century, which was results of French artists rejecting the traditional government sanctioned academic painting that was dominating their arts at the time. The first independent art exhibition was held in 1874 for one month. Few of the famous artists’ who participated and help organizeRead MoreThe And The Coronation Of The Emperor And Madame Seurat s The Circus1513 Words  | 7 Pagesthe advent of Post Impressionism. Colour changed from the traditional Neo-classicists methods to artists such as Seurat the Post-impressionist artist who was obsessed with the science behind art. . The main concepts I am discussing in terms of how the role of colour has changed are: the traditional role of colour, what made artists change their focus, science discoveries about light, optics and the difference between the colour use in the two styles; Neoclassicism and Post- Impressionism. Using WolfflinsRead MoreAnalysis Of Vincent Van Gogh And The Oxbow850 Words  | 4 PagesI have chosen Romanticism/ Post Impressionism, Olive Trees with yellow sky and sun, by Vincent Van Gogh; The Oxbow, by Thomas Cole, comparing it to the â€Å"Spirit Rising, by Christophe Vacher†. In my research / readings of my chosen Artist, I found a lot of information about them that I will descibe individually. Based on the biography, It has been stated that Vincent â€Å"was a most well known post-impressionism Artist, for whom color was the chief symbol of expression, he was highly emotional, lacked
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Is Obedience the Mother of All Virtue free essay sample
Saint Augustinesaid, Obedience is in a way the mother of all virtue. The primarybiological function of a female is to give birth. Does obedience give birth tovirtues? When I was six, I obediently emptied the dishwasher every night.I was bored. I hated it. I was furious at Mom and Dad. Are boredom, hatred andfury virtues? When I was eight, I desperately wanted a Ballerina Barbiefor Christmas. Uncle Jim was mean and rude and hated kids. Every night for a weekbefore Christmas I obediently gave him an affectionate hug and kiss.I got my Ballerina Barbie. Are greed, manipulation and being a phony virtuous? When I was 12, I had a wild crush on Jonathon Cook. We went out for threedays. All my friends thought he was a dork, so I broke up with him even though Ireally liked him. Was it virtuous to deny my feelings for Jonathon and obedientlygive in to my friends? When I was 15, my two older brothers and my sistermoved out of the house and I found myself with lots of time to think. We will write a custom essay sample on Is Obedience the Mother of All Virtue? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I realizedthat obedience for all the wrong reasons was not making me happy. I was in pain.Pain is associated with birth. They say adolescence is the time when you leaveyour childhood behind and a woman is born. When I was 16, I hung outwith the popular girls. Ashley got all her clothes from Express and drove a BMW.Jessica wore only Wet Seal and drove a Mercedes. They were cool. One day lastspring, Mary came to school wearing purple spandex and cowboy boots. She was notcool. Jessica and Ashley made fun of her in front of our entire homeroom. I feltMarys embarrassment. I told Jessica and Ashley to stop, not caring what theythought. I didnt care if they didnt like me anymore. I didnt care if theydidnt want to be my friends. And I felt good. Maybe obedience doesntalways give birth to virtue right away. Maybe obedience for all the wrong reasonsgives birth to pain and pain gives birth to self-discovery and self-discoverygives birth to the right kind of obedience for the right reasons and the rightkind of obedience gives birth to virtue. Saint Augustine also said,Love and do what you like. As a woman, I understand that Ihave a free will and obedience is my choice. As a woman, I understandthat it is more important to obey my inner voice and my own sense of right andwrong than to obey someone elses list of rules or to conform to their ideasabout who I should be or how I should behave. As a woman, I understandthat the only motivation for obedience that will lead me to virtue is love. T. S. Elliot once said, We shall not cease from exploration, andthe end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know thatplace for the first time. Last night, I emptied the dishwasher.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
OCD free essay sample
â€Å"When I read, I’m taken away,†my eight-year-old hand scripted in an early attempt at poetry. It is true that, as with Sara Crewe, The Little Princess with a big imagination, most of my seventeen years have been spent somewhere other than the world inhabited by my contemporaries. However, far from living another’s story, I have lived a life that is wonderfully and uniquely my own, one that has been immeasurably enriched by the parallel literary worlds in which I have dwelt. Early on, my love of books helped me stand up to a well-meaning but exacting teacher who solemnly insisted that the words â€Å"and†and â€Å"because†must never start a sentence. Defiantly, I called on my good friend Pippi Longstocking, pointing out a complete and published sentence by a celebrated author: â€Å"And Pippi jumped into the lake.†I was no troublemaker, but I nonetheless insisted that if Pippi was wrong, I had no desire to be right. We will write a custom essay sample on OCD or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The teacher’s response? â€Å"You’re not Pippi.†I vowed that day to be more like Miss Longstockingâ€â€not to mention her creator, Astrid Lindgrenâ€â€daring enough not only to jump into a lake fully clothed, but to begin my sentences with a bold conjunction. And, I am proud to report, since then I have successfully attempted both feats. In middle school, the same spell that forced me to obey obsessive compulsions, I discovered, held poor Ella Enchanted. The doctor’s diagnosis of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder marked the beginning of a scary and frustrating journey where I felt as if I had lost control of everything in my life, including my own actions. Throughout those difficult years, by holding the figurative hand of my magical counterpart, I was able to confront my inner demons (which were slightly different in form, and yet no less formidable, than the giant trolls which held Ella captive) and emerge a stronger person. Despite my newfound strength, I was blindsided by the fallout following an extremely opinionated opinion piece I wrote for my school newspaper. I learned the disastrous effects a few well-chosen words could have on a girl who was, quite frankly, never very popular to begin with when my condemnation of the school’s policy of selling junky snacks actually helped lead to the removal of said snacks. My mighty pen had spoken, and a sympathetic friend became as hard to find as a bag of Doritos under the new regime. Blameless (or so I insisted), and yet condemned like Stanley Yelnats (who, you may recall, was forced to dig Holes), I stood proudly next to Howard Roark, The Fountainhead of inner strength, and both ignored the taunts of society and continued to pursue my passion for journalism. Although some still doubt me, I, like the eccentric Willy Wonka, moved on and created my own high school legacy; minus the chocolate, of course. Following in my size-seven footsteps, nine years behind and yet, in many ways, light years ahead, is my brother Zack. Years of sharing literature have caused our bond to grow closer and infinitely more positive than that joining The Boy Who Lived and the Dark Lord. As Voldemort’s fruitless attempts to defeat Harry Potter are recounted by my expressive and animated reading voice, there is indeed something magical about the variety of characters that come to life before us each night. Sharing my life with the countless two-dimensional friends I have made throughout the years has shaped me into the person who now stands before you. Recognizing myself in the fervent glow of my brother’s eyes as I share these companions with him allows me to stare unflinchingly ahead, with full confidence in who I am and who I hope to become.
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