Friday, December 27, 2019
My Fathers Prostitute By Steven Whitacre - 1871 Words
Steven Whitacre experienced a very traumatic childhood of abuse from his father which led to a very difficult adulthood. In his book â€Å"My Fathers Prostitute†, he talks about his life, starting out when his father first abused him to more recent times in adulthood to where he finally sought help and started to move on in his life started to live the life he should and deserves. This book really opened my eyes on what all goes on in this world that I would have never guessed. â€Å"Every eight minutes, a child is sexually assaulted in the U.S., and 93% know the perpetrator†(â€Å"Adult Survivors of Childhood†). To me this statistic seems insane and I cannot ever imagine being sexually assaulted by anyone let alone one of my parents that I am supposed to trust and love. When you really think about it, that how every eight minutes a child is getting sexually assaulted it is astonishing. It makes me wonder how many people I know that I have been sexually assaulte d but don’t tell anyone. I assume there are many different cases of sexual assault and how there are different levels of how traumatic they are to the individual someone came upon. With some people, the sexual assault only happened once, and with others like the author of My Fathers Prostitute it happens during their entire childhood to impact the individual even more. I am not saying that the individuals who have only been sexually assaulted once came out un hurt or traumatized, but I would just imagine that it would not leaveShow MoreRelatedSummary Of My Father s Prostitute By Steven Whitacre2060 Words  | 9 Pages11/6/17 Book Analysis: My Father’s prostitute â€Å"My Father’s Prostitute†by Steven Whitacre, is an honest and chilling book about an innocent boy’s struggle from child to adulthood. When reading this book, I found myself completely shocked and interested at the same time. It was different to read a book from the authors life and I think that is what made it that much more interesting. â€Å"My Father’s Prostitute†is a book about a child’s struggle, that leads into adulthood. When Steven was about four years
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Impressionism and Post Impressionism Essay - 2229 Words
Expressive Essay In this essay, I will contrast and compare the two art movements, Impressionism, and Post-Impressionism. I will be concentrating on the works of the two leading artists of these styles Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh. The impressionist movement is often considered to mark the beginning of the modern period of art. It was developed in France during the late 19th century. The impressionist movement arose out of dissatisfaction with the classical, dull subjects and clean cut precise techniques of painting. They preferred to paint outdoors concentrating more on landscapes and street scenes, and began to paint ordinary everyday people and liked to show the effects in natural light. Claude Monet is often†¦show more content†¦Aside from the dark shadows the painting is done in light, bright colours and once again Monet shows his skill in portraying a nice sunny day by the riverside. He has managed to give the impression of calm rippling water by using rough brushstrokes. He uses a mix of light and darker colours to show the sun glistening across the water. The painting creates a rel axing and the light colours, calm water and slow moving boats create pleasant mood, which I think. I like this painting and I especially like the way in which Monet has created many different areas that show a range of colours, techniques and all add something different to the painting. This variety draws you in and shows a real commitment and dedication to detail. These two paintings have many similarities, however they both show different sides to Monets style of painting. Le Grenouillere has much thicker brushstrokes and concentrates on darker colours such as greens and browns. In the Road- Bridge he tends to use much lighter yellows and blues and his brushstrokes are much shorter and rougher. This creates quite different moods and the second painting has a much sunnier and happier mood. The paintings are very similar in that the effects of the sun bouncing across the water plays a key part in both paintings. I would have to say The Road-Bridge at Argentile is myShow MoreRelatedI mpressionism; Post-Impressionism Essay674 Words  | 3 PagesImpressionism Impressionism as an historical art period is best described as a shift in thinking and focus. This paradigm shift, away from realism and toward individualism, began a centuries long transformation of self-expression in art as a whole. Impressionism is generally considered a French movement and is typically defined as spanning from approximately 1867 to 1886. Impressionism is best embodied by and was perhaps initiated by Claud Monet in such world-renowned works as Impressions: soleilRead MoreA Brief Note On Impressionism And Post Impressionism958 Words  | 4 PagesIWT1 Task 1 Impressionism and Post Impressionism By WGU student In early 19th century, the French government controlled the Academies des Beaux-Arts and Salon de Paris of paintings. The Academies were considered the ruling authority and held annual art exhibits called salons. The salons featured works of art that conformed to their standards. In the second half of the 19th century, Impressionism began which was a result of French artists rejecting traditional government and their standards. In 1874Read MoreImpressionism and Post-Impressionism Essay1663 Words  | 7 PagesImpressionism and Post-Impressionism are two artistic movements that had profound influences on the artistic community and world as a whole. Both sought to break the molds of previous artistic styles and movements by creating work truly unique to the artist him or herself. The artists of the Impressionism and Post-Impressionism movements employed vibrant color pallets, well defined brush strokes, and unique perspectives on their subjects that sought to capture light, movement, and emotions on canvasRead MoreImpressionism vs Post - impressionism1880 Words  | 8 Pagesï » ¿ Impressionism vs Post Impressionism Modern culture is believed to be the brainchild of two versions of the Protestant worldview: the northern French positivism and irrationalism. If the first is trying to discern the signs of the afterlife in the image of reality (which is actually a reflection of the culture established meanings)Read MorePost-impressionism and Artists1298 Words  | 6 PagesImpressionism was a movement that came about in the late 19th century, most specifically its roots can be traced back the 1874 when a group called the Anonymous Society of Painters, Sculptors, Printmakers, etc. organized an exhibition in Paris. (Samu, 2004). The group led several exhibitions through the 1880’s which brought them into the spot light despite criticism from the conventional art community in France. The movement received its name from one of the movements most now most recognized artistsRead MoreEssay about A Comparison of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism2200 Words  | 9 PagesA Comparison of Impre ssionism and Post-Impressionism In this essay, I will contrast and compare the two art movements, Impressionism, and Post-Impressionism. I will be concentrating on the works of the two leading artists of these styles Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh. The impressionist movement is often considered to mark the beginning of the modern period of art. It was developed in France during the late 19th century. The impressionist movement arose out of dissatisfaction with theRead MorePost Impressionism and Art Essay877 Words  | 4 PagesPost Impressionism and Art Modernism is an art movement that is characterized by a deliberate departure from tradition to a more expressive form that distinguishes many styles in the arts and literature of the late nineteenth and twentieth century. Emile Bernard was part of this modern art movement as can be seen in his painting, Breton Woman and Haystacks, painted around 1888. Impressionists were modern artists who tended to paint outside landscapes and street scenes and were concernedRead MoreIwt1 Task 1 Wgu Essay1294 Words  | 6 PagesIWT1 Task 1 Impressionism and Post Impressionism By WGU student In early 19th century, the French government controlled the academies and salons of paintings. The impressionism took place in second half of 19th century, which was results of French artists rejecting the traditional government sanctioned academic painting that was dominating their arts at the time. The first independent art exhibition was held in 1874 for one month. Few of the famous artists’ who participated and help organizeRead MoreThe And The Coronation Of The Emperor And Madame Seurat s The Circus1513 Words  | 7 Pagesthe advent of Post Impressionism. Colour changed from the traditional Neo-classicists methods to artists such as Seurat the Post-impressionist artist who was obsessed with the science behind art. . The main concepts I am discussing in terms of how the role of colour has changed are: the traditional role of colour, what made artists change their focus, science discoveries about light, optics and the difference between the colour use in the two styles; Neoclassicism and Post- Impressionism. Using WolfflinsRead MoreAnalysis Of Vincent Van Gogh And The Oxbow850 Words  | 4 PagesI have chosen Romanticism/ Post Impressionism, Olive Trees with yellow sky and sun, by Vincent Van Gogh; The Oxbow, by Thomas Cole, comparing it to the â€Å"Spirit Rising, by Christophe Vacher†. In my research / readings of my chosen Artist, I found a lot of information about them that I will descibe individually. Based on the biography, It has been stated that Vincent â€Å"was a most well known post-impressionism Artist, for whom color was the chief symbol of expression, he was highly emotional, lacked
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Is Obedience the Mother of All Virtue free essay sample
Saint Augustinesaid, Obedience is in a way the mother of all virtue. The primarybiological function of a female is to give birth. Does obedience give birth tovirtues? When I was six, I obediently emptied the dishwasher every night.I was bored. I hated it. I was furious at Mom and Dad. Are boredom, hatred andfury virtues? When I was eight, I desperately wanted a Ballerina Barbiefor Christmas. Uncle Jim was mean and rude and hated kids. Every night for a weekbefore Christmas I obediently gave him an affectionate hug and kiss.I got my Ballerina Barbie. Are greed, manipulation and being a phony virtuous? When I was 12, I had a wild crush on Jonathon Cook. We went out for threedays. All my friends thought he was a dork, so I broke up with him even though Ireally liked him. Was it virtuous to deny my feelings for Jonathon and obedientlygive in to my friends? When I was 15, my two older brothers and my sistermoved out of the house and I found myself with lots of time to think. We will write a custom essay sample on Is Obedience the Mother of All Virtue? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I realizedthat obedience for all the wrong reasons was not making me happy. I was in pain.Pain is associated with birth. They say adolescence is the time when you leaveyour childhood behind and a woman is born. When I was 16, I hung outwith the popular girls. Ashley got all her clothes from Express and drove a BMW.Jessica wore only Wet Seal and drove a Mercedes. They were cool. One day lastspring, Mary came to school wearing purple spandex and cowboy boots. She was notcool. Jessica and Ashley made fun of her in front of our entire homeroom. I feltMarys embarrassment. I told Jessica and Ashley to stop, not caring what theythought. I didnt care if they didnt like me anymore. I didnt care if theydidnt want to be my friends. And I felt good. Maybe obedience doesntalways give birth to virtue right away. Maybe obedience for all the wrong reasonsgives birth to pain and pain gives birth to self-discovery and self-discoverygives birth to the right kind of obedience for the right reasons and the rightkind of obedience gives birth to virtue. Saint Augustine also said,Love and do what you like. As a woman, I understand that Ihave a free will and obedience is my choice. As a woman, I understandthat it is more important to obey my inner voice and my own sense of right andwrong than to obey someone elses list of rules or to conform to their ideasabout who I should be or how I should behave. As a woman, I understandthat the only motivation for obedience that will lead me to virtue is love. T. S. Elliot once said, We shall not cease from exploration, andthe end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know thatplace for the first time. Last night, I emptied the dishwasher.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
OCD free essay sample
â€Å"When I read, I’m taken away,†my eight-year-old hand scripted in an early attempt at poetry. It is true that, as with Sara Crewe, The Little Princess with a big imagination, most of my seventeen years have been spent somewhere other than the world inhabited by my contemporaries. However, far from living another’s story, I have lived a life that is wonderfully and uniquely my own, one that has been immeasurably enriched by the parallel literary worlds in which I have dwelt. Early on, my love of books helped me stand up to a well-meaning but exacting teacher who solemnly insisted that the words â€Å"and†and â€Å"because†must never start a sentence. Defiantly, I called on my good friend Pippi Longstocking, pointing out a complete and published sentence by a celebrated author: â€Å"And Pippi jumped into the lake.†I was no troublemaker, but I nonetheless insisted that if Pippi was wrong, I had no desire to be right. We will write a custom essay sample on OCD or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The teacher’s response? â€Å"You’re not Pippi.†I vowed that day to be more like Miss Longstockingâ€â€not to mention her creator, Astrid Lindgrenâ€â€daring enough not only to jump into a lake fully clothed, but to begin my sentences with a bold conjunction. And, I am proud to report, since then I have successfully attempted both feats. In middle school, the same spell that forced me to obey obsessive compulsions, I discovered, held poor Ella Enchanted. The doctor’s diagnosis of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder marked the beginning of a scary and frustrating journey where I felt as if I had lost control of everything in my life, including my own actions. Throughout those difficult years, by holding the figurative hand of my magical counterpart, I was able to confront my inner demons (which were slightly different in form, and yet no less formidable, than the giant trolls which held Ella captive) and emerge a stronger person. Despite my newfound strength, I was blindsided by the fallout following an extremely opinionated opinion piece I wrote for my school newspaper. I learned the disastrous effects a few well-chosen words could have on a girl who was, quite frankly, never very popular to begin with when my condemnation of the school’s policy of selling junky snacks actually helped lead to the removal of said snacks. My mighty pen had spoken, and a sympathetic friend became as hard to find as a bag of Doritos under the new regime. Blameless (or so I insisted), and yet condemned like Stanley Yelnats (who, you may recall, was forced to dig Holes), I stood proudly next to Howard Roark, The Fountainhead of inner strength, and both ignored the taunts of society and continued to pursue my passion for journalism. Although some still doubt me, I, like the eccentric Willy Wonka, moved on and created my own high school legacy; minus the chocolate, of course. Following in my size-seven footsteps, nine years behind and yet, in many ways, light years ahead, is my brother Zack. Years of sharing literature have caused our bond to grow closer and infinitely more positive than that joining The Boy Who Lived and the Dark Lord. As Voldemort’s fruitless attempts to defeat Harry Potter are recounted by my expressive and animated reading voice, there is indeed something magical about the variety of characters that come to life before us each night. Sharing my life with the countless two-dimensional friends I have made throughout the years has shaped me into the person who now stands before you. Recognizing myself in the fervent glow of my brother’s eyes as I share these companions with him allows me to stare unflinchingly ahead, with full confidence in who I am and who I hope to become.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Untitled Essay Research Paper BODYINTRODUCTION TO EVOLUTION free essay sample
Untitled Essay, Research Paper BODYINTRODUCTION TO EVOLUTION What is Evolution? Development is the procedure by which all life thingshave developed from crude beings through alterations happening overbillions of old ages, a procedure that includes all animate beings and workss. Precisely howevolution occurs is still a affair of argument, but there are many differenttheories and that it occurs is a scientific fact. Biologists agree that all livingthings come through a long history of alterations shaped by physical andchemical procedures that are still taking topographic point. It is possible that all organismscan be traced back to the beginning of Life from one celled organims.The most direct cogent evidence of development is the scientific discipline of Paleontology, orthe survey of life in the yesteryear through dodo remains or feelings, normally inrock. Changes occur in life beings that serve to increase theiradaptability, for endurance and reproduction, in altering environments.Evolution seemingly has no constitutional way intent. We will write a custom essay sample on Untitled Essay Research Paper BODYINTRODUCTION TO EVOLUTION or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A given sort oforganism may germinate merely when it occurs in a assortment of signifiers differing inhereditary traits, that are passed from parent to offspring. By opportunity, somevarieties prove to be badly adapted to their current environment and thusdisappear, whereas others prove to be adaptative, and their Numberss increase.The riddance of the unfit, or the endurance of the fittest, is known asNatural Selection because it is nature that discards or favours aarticular being. Evolution takes topographic point merely when natural choice operates on apopulation of beings incorporating diverse inheritable signifiers. History Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis ( 1698-1759 ) was the first topropose a general theory of development. He said that familial stuff, dwelling of atoms, was transmitted from parents to offspring. His opinionof the portion played by natural choice had small influence on other naturalists. Until the mid-19th century, naturalists believed that each species wascreated individually, either through a supreme being or through spontaneousgeneration the construct that organisms arose to the full developed from dirt or H2O. Thework of the Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus in progressing the sorting ofbiological beings focused attending on the close similarity between certainspecies. Guess began as to the being of a kind of blood relationshipbetween these species. These inquiries coupled with the emerging scientific disciplines ofgeology and palaeontology gave rise to hypotheses that the life-forms of the dayevolved from earlier signifiers through a procedure of alteration. Highly of import wasthe realisation that different beds of stone represented different clip periods andthat each bed had a typical set of dodos of life-forms that had lived in the yesteryear. Lamarckism Jean Baptiste Lamarck was one of several theoreticians who proposed anevolutionary theory based on the usage and neglect of variety meats. Lamarck stated thatan single acquires traits during its life-time and that such traits are in some wayput into the familial stuff and passed to the following coevals. Thiswas an effort to explicate how a species could alter bit by bit over time.According to Lamarck, camelopard, for illustration, have long cervixs because for manygenerations single giraffes stretched to make the uppermost foliages of trees, ineach coevals the camelopard added some length to their cervixs, and they passed thison to their progeny. New variety meats arise from new demands and develop inthe extent that they are used, neglect of variety meats leads totheir disappearing. Subsequently, the scientific discipline of Genetics disproved Lamarck # 8217 ; s theory, itwas found that acquired traits can non be inherited. Malthus Thomas Robert Malthus, an English reverend, through his work An Essayon the Principle of Population, had a great influence in directing naturalists towarda theory of natural choice. Malthus proposed that environmental factors such asfamine and disease limited population growing. Darwin After more than 20 old ages of observation and experiment, Charles Darwinproposed his theory of development through natural choice to the Linnean Societyof London in 1858. He presented his find along with another Englishnaturalist, Alfred Russel Wallace, who independently discovered natural choice atabout the same clip. The undermentioned twelvemonth Darwin published his full theory, supported with tremendous grounds, in On the Origin of Species. Geneticss The part of genetic sciences to the apprehension of development hasbeen the account of the heritage in persons of the same species. GregorMendel discovered the basic rules of heritage in 1865, but his work wasunknown to Darwin. Mendel # 8217 ; s work was rediscovered by other scientists around1900. From that clip to 1925 the scientific discipline of genetic sciences developed quickly, and manyof Darwin # 8217 ; s thoughts about the heritage of fluctuations were found to be incorrect.Only since 1925 has natural choice once more been recognized as essentialin development. The modern theory of development combines the findings of moderngenetics with the basic model supplied by Darwin and Wallace, making thebasic rule of Population Genetics. Modern population genetic sciences was developedlargely during the 1930s and # 8217 ; 40s by the mathematicians J. B. S. Haldane and R. A.Fisher and by the life scientists Theodosius Dobzhansky, Julian Huxley, Ernst Mayr, George Gaylord SIMPSON, Sewall Wright, Berhard Rensch, and G. LedyardStebbins. Harmonizing to the theory, variableness among persons in a population ofsexually reproducing beings is produced by mutant and geneticrecombination. The resulting familial variableness is capable to natural choice in theenvironment. Population GENETICS The word population is used in a particular sense to depict development. Thestudy of individual persons provides few hints as to the possible results ofevolution because individual persons can non germinate in their life-time. An individualrepresents a shop of cistrons that participates in development merely when those cistrons arepassed on to farther coevalss, or populations. The cistron is the basic unit in thecell for conveying familial features to offspring. Persons are unitsupon which natural choice operates, but the tendency of development can be tracedthrough clip merely for groups of crossbreeding persons, populations can beanalyzed statistically and their development predicted in footings of norm Numberss. The Hardy-Weinberg jurisprudence, which was discovered independently in 1908 bya British mathematician, Godfrey H. Hardy, and a German doctor, WilhelmWeinberg, provides a criterion for quantitatively mensurating the extent ofevolutionary alteration in a population. The jurisprudence states that the cistron frequences, orratios of different cistrons in a population, will stay changeless unless they arechanged by outside forces, such as selective reproduction and mutant. Thisdiscovery reestablished natural choice as an evolutionary force. Comparing theactual cistron frequences observed in a population with the frequences predicted, bythe Hardy-Weinberg jurisprudence gives a numerical step of how far the populationdeviates from a nonevolving province called the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Given alarge, indiscriminately engendering population, the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium will holdtrue, because it depends on the Torahs of chance. Changes are produced in thegene pool through mutants, cistron flow, familial impetus, and natural choice. Mutant A mutant is an inheritable alteration in the character of a cistron. Mutationsmost frequently occur spontaneously, but they may be induced by some externalstimulus, such as irradiation or certain chemicals. The rate of mutant in worlds isextremely low ; however, the figure of cistrons in every sex cell, is so big thatthe chance is high for at least one cistron to transport a mutant. Gene Flow New cistrons can be introduced into a population through new breedingorganisms or gametes from another population, as in works pollen. Gene flow canwork against the procedures of natural choice. Familial Drift A alteration in the cistron pool due to opportunity is called familial impetus. Thefrequency of loss is greater the smaller the population. Therefore, in little populationsthere is a inclination for less fluctuation because couples are more similar genetically. Natural Choice Over a period of clip natural choice will ensue in alterations in thefrequency of allelomorphs in the cistron pool, or greater divergence from the nonevolvingstate, represented by the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. New SPECIES New species may germinate either by the alteration of one species to another orby the splitting of one species into two or more new species. Splitting, thepredominant manner of species formation, consequences from the geographical isolation ofpopulations of species. Isolated populations undergo different mutants, andselection force per unit areas and may germinate along different lines. If the isolation is sufficientto prevent crossbreeding with other populations, these differences may becomeextensive plenty to set up a new species. The evolutionary alterations broughtabout by isolation include differences in the generative systems of the group.When a individual group of organisms diversifies over clip into several subgroups byexpanding into the available niches of a new environment, it is said to undergoAdaptive Radiation. Darwin # 8217 ; s Finches, in the Galapagos Islands, West of Ecuador, illustrateadaptive radiation. They were likely the first land birds to make the islands, and, in the absence of competition, they occupied several ecological home grounds anddiverged along several different lines. Such forms of divergency are reflected inthe life scientists # 8217 ; strategy of categorization of beings, which groups together animalsthat have common features. An adaptative radiation followed the foremost conquestof land by craniates. Natural choice can besides take populations of different species populating insimilar environments or holding similar ways of life to germinate similar characteristics.This is called convergent development and reflects the similar selective force per unit area ofsimilar environments. Examples of convergent development are the oculus in cephalodmollusks, such as the octopus, and in craniates ; wings in insects, nonextant flyingreptiles, birds, and chiropterans ; and the flipperlike extremities of the sea polo-neck ( reptilian ) , penguin ( bird ) , and seahorse ( mammal ) . MOLECULAR EVOLUTION An spring of new grounds back uping development has come in the 20thcentury from molecular biological science, an unknown field in Darwin # 8217 ; s twenty-four hours. Thefundamental dogma of molecular biological science is that cistrons are coded sequences of theDNA molecule in the chromosome and that a cistron codifications for a precise sequence ofamino acids in a protein. Mutants alter DNA chemically, taking to modified ornew proteins. Over evolutionary clip, proteins have had histories that are astraceable as those of large-scale constructions such as castanetss and dentitions. The farther inthe yesteryear that some hereditary stock diverged into contemporary species, the moreevident are the alterations in the amino-acid sequences of the proteins of thecontemporary species. PLANT EVOLUTION Biologists believe that workss arose from the multicellular green algae ( phylum Chlorophyta ) that invaded the land about 1.2 billion old ages ago. Evidence isbased on modern green algae holding in common with modern workss the samephotosynthetic pigments, cell walls of cellulose, and multicell signifiers holding a lifecycle characterized by Alternation Of Generations. Photosynthesis about certainlydeveloped foremost in bacterium. The green algae may hold been preadapted to land. The two major groups of workss are the nonvascular plants and the vascular plants ; the two groups most likely diverged from one common group of workss. Thebryophytes, which lack complex carry oning systems, are little and are found inmoist countries. The vascular plant s are workss with efficient carry oning systems ; theydominate the landscape today. The seed is the major development in vascular plants, and it is most of import for endurance on land. Fossil grounds indicates that land workss foremost appeared during the SilurianPeriod of the Paleozoic Era ( 425-400 million old ages ago ) and diversified in theDevonian Period. Near the terminal of the Carboniferous Period, fernlike workss hadseedlike constructions. At the stopping point of the Permian Period, when the land became drierand colder, seed workss gained an evolutionary advantage and became the dominantplants. Plant foliages have a broad scope of forms and sizes, and some fluctuations ofleaves are versions to the environment ; for illustration, little, leathery foliages foundon workss in dry climes are able to conserve H2O and gaining control less visible radiation. Besides, early flowering plants adapted to seasonal H2O deficits by dropping their leavesduring periods of drouth. Evidence FOR Development The Fossil Record has of import penetrations into the history of life. The orderof dodos, get downing at the underside and lifting upward in graded stone, corresponds totheir age, from oldest to youngest. Deep Welsh stones, up to 570 million old ages old, contain the remains ofvarious marine invertebrate animate beings, sponges, Portuguese man-of-war, worms, shellfish, starfish, and crustaceans. These invertebrates were already so good developed that they musthave become differentiated during the long period predating the Welsh. Somefossil-bearing stones lying good below the oldest Welsh strata contain imprints ofjellyfish, paths of worms, and hints of soft corals and other animate beings of uncertainnature. Paleozoic Waterss were dominated by arthropods called trilobites and largescorpionlike signifiers called eurypterids. Common in all Paleozoic periods ( 570-230million old ages ago ) were the nautiloid, which are related to the modern nautilus, andthe lamp shells, or brachiopods. The uneven graptolites, colonial animate beings whosecarbonaceous remains resemble pencil Markss, attained the extremum of theirdevelopment in the Ordovician Period ( 500-430 million old ages ago ) and thenabruptly declined. In the mid-1980s research workers found fossil carnal tunnels inrocks of the Ordovician Period ; these hint dodos indicate that terrestrialecosystems may hold evolved sooner than was one time thought. Many of the Paleozoic Marine invertebrate groups either became nonextant ordeclined aggressively in Numberss before the Mesozoic Era ( 230-65 million old ages ago ) .During the Mesozoic, shelled ammonites flourished in the seas, and insects andreptiles were the prevailing land animate beings. At the stopping point of the Mesozoic the once-successful Marine ammonites perished and the reptilian dynasty collapsed, givingway to birds and mammals. Insects have continued to boom and hold differentiatedinto a astonishing figure of species. During the class of development works and animate being groups have interacted toone another # 8217 ; s advantage. For illustration, as blossoming workss have become lessdependent on air current for pollenation, a great assortment of insects have emerged asspecialists in transporting pollen. The colourss and aromas of flowers hold evolvedas versions to pull insects. Birds, which feed on seeds, fruits, and buds, haveevolved quickly in confidant association with the blossoming workss. The emergence ofherbivorous mammals has coincided with the widespread distribution of grasses, and the herbivorous mammals in bend have contributed to the development ofcarnivorous mammals. Fish and Amphibians During the Devonian Period ( 390-340 million old ages ago ) the huge land areasof the Earth were mostly populated by carnal life, salvage for rare animals likescorpions and millepedes. The seas, nevertheless, were crowded with a assortment ofinvertebrate animate beings. The fresh and salt Waterss besides contained cartilaginous andbony Fish. From one of the many groups of fish inhabiting pools and swampsemerged the first land craniates, get downing the craniates on their conquering of allavailable tellurian home grounds. Among the legion Devonian aquatic signifiers were the Crossopterygii, lobe-finned fish that possessed the ability to quaff air when they rose to the surface.These ancient air- external respiration fish represent the stock from which the foremost landvertebrates, the amphibious vehicles, were derived. Scientists continue to speculate aboutwhat led to venture onto land. The lobefins that migrated onto land wereonly crudely adapted for tellurian being, but because they did non encountercompetitors, they survived. Lobe-finned fish did, nevertheless, possess certain features that servedthem good in their new environment, including crude lungs and internal anterior nariss, both of which are indispensable for take a breathing out of the water.Such features, called preadaptations, did non develop because the others werepreparing to migrate to the land ; they were already present by accident and becameselected traits merely when they imparted an advantage to the fish on land. The early land-dwelling amphibious vehicles were thin-bodied with fishlike dress suits, butthey had limbs capable of motive power on land. These limbs likely developedfrom the sidelong fives, which contained heavy lobes that in bend contained bonyelements. The antediluvian amphibians neer became wholly adapted for being onland, nevertheless. They spent much of their lives in the H2O, and their moderndescendants, the salamanders, newts, toads, and toads # 8211 ; still must return to H2O todeposit their eggs. The riddance of a water-dwelling phase, which was achievedby the reptilians, represented a major evolutionary progress. The Reptilian Age Possibly the most of import factor lending to the going of reptilesfrom the amphibious vehicles was the development of a shell- covered egg that could be laidon land. This development enabled the reptilians to distribute throughout the Earth # 8217 ; slandmasses in one of the most dramatic adaptative radiations in biological history. Like the eggs of birds, which developed subsequently, reptilian eggs contain acomplex series of membranes that protect and nourish the embryo and aid itbreathe. The infinite between the embryo and the amniotic sac is filled with an amnioticfluid that resembles seawater ; a similar fluid is found in the foetuss of mammals, including worlds. This fact has been interpreted as an indicant that life originatedin the sea and that the balance of salts in assorted organic structure fluids did non alteration verymuch in development. The membranes found in the human embryo are essentiallysimilar to those in reptilian and bird eggs. The human yolk pouch remains little andfunctionless, and the exhibits have no development in the human embryo.Nevertheless, the presence of a yolk pouch and allantois in the human embryo is oneof the strongest pieces of grounds documenting the evolutionary relationshipsamong the widely differing sorts of craniates. This suggests that mammals, including worlds, are descended from animate beings that reproduced by agencies ofexternally laid eggs that were rich in yolk. The reptilians, and in peculiar the dinosaurs, were the dominant landanimals of the Earth for good over 100 million old ages. The Mesozoic Era, duringwhich the reptilians thrived, is frequently referred to as the Age of Reptiles. In footings of evolutionary success, the larger the animate being, the greater thelikelihood that the animate being will keep a changeless Body Temperature independentof the environmental temperature. Birds and mammals, for illustration, bring forth andcontrol their ain organic structure heat through internal metabolic activities ( a province known asendothermy, or warm-bloodedness ) , whereas today # 8217 ; s reptilians are thermally unstable ( inhuman ) , modulating their organic structure temperatures by behavioural activities ( thephenomenon of ectothermy ) . Most scientists regard dinosaurs as lumbering, oversized, inhuman lizards, instead than big, lively, animate beings with fast metabolicrates ; some life scientists, nevertheless # 8211 ; notably Robert T. Bakker of The Johns HopkinsUniversity # 8211 ; assert that a immense dinosaur could non perchance have warmed up everymorning on a cheery stone and must hold relied on internal heat production. The reptilian dynasty collapsed before the stopping point of the Mesozoic Era.Relatively few of the Mesozoic reptilians have survived to modern times ; thoseremaining include the Crocodile, Lizard, serpent, and polo-neck. The cause of the declineand decease of the big array of reptilians is unknown, but their disappearing isusually attributed to some extremist alteration in environmental conditions. Like the elephantine reptilians, most line of descents of beings have finally becomeextinct, although some have non changed appreciably in 1000000s of old ages. Theopossum, for illustration, has survived about unchanged since the late CretaceousPeriod ( more than 65 million old ages ago ) , and the Horseshoe Crab, Limulus, is notvery different from fossils 500 million old ages old. We have no account for theunexpected stableness of such beings ; possibly they have achieved an almostperfect accommodation to a unchanging environment. Such stable signifiers, nevertheless, arenot at all dominant in the universe today. The human species, one of the dominantmodern life signifiers, has evolved quickly in a really short clip. The Rise of Mammals The diminution of the reptilians provided evolutionary chances for birds andmammals. Small and invisible during the Mesozoic Era, mammals rose tounquestionable laterality during the Cenozoic Era ( get downing 65 million yearsago ) . The mammals diversified into Marine signifiers, such as the giant, mahimahi, seal, and seahorse ; fossorial ( adapted to delving ) signifiers populating underground, such asthe mole ; winging and gliding animate beings, such as the chiropteran and winging squirrel ; andcursorial animate beings ( adapted for running ) , such as the Equus caballus. These variousmammalian groups are good adapted to their different manners of life, particularly bytheir extremities, which developed from common ascendants to go specializedfor swimming, flight, and motion on land. Although there is small superficial resemblance among the arm of a individual, the fin of a giant, and the wing of a chiropteran, a closer comparing of their skeletalelements shows that, bone for bone, they are structurally similar. Biologists regardsuch structural similarities, or homologies, as grounds of evolutionary relationships.The homologous limb castanetss of all four-legged craniates, for illustration, areassumed to be derived from the limb castanetss of a common ascendant. Biologists arecareful to separate such homologous characteristics from what they call analogousfeatures, which perform similar maps but are structurally different. Forexample, the wing of a bird and the wing of a butterfly are correspondent ; both areused for flight, but they are wholly different structurally. Analogous constructions donot indicate evolutionary relationships. Closely related dodos preserved in uninterrupted sequences of stone stratahave allowed evolutionists to follow in item the development of many species as it hasoccurred over several million old ages. The lineage of the Equus caballus can be tracedthrough 1000s of dodo remains to a little terrier-sized animate being with four toes onthe front pess and three toes on the hind pess. This ascendant lived in the EoceneEpoch, approximately 54 million old ages ago. From dodos in the higher beds of stratifiedrock, the Equus caballus is found to hold bit by bit acquired its modern signifier by eventuallyevolving to a one-toed Equus caballus about like modern Equus caballuss and eventually to the modernhorse, which dates back about 1 million old ages. Decision TO EVOLUTION Although we are non wholly certain that development is how we got the manner weare now, it is a strong belief among many people today, and scientist are findingmore and more grounds to endorse up the evolutionary theory.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Bios For Loveline essays
Bios For Loveline essays Adam Carolla is the funny guy behind Westwood Ones Loveline. Adam Carolla and co-host Dr. Drew Pinsky dispense their original style of humor and advice on love, romance and relationships. In December 1996, Carolla and his co-host, Dr. Drew Pinsky, took their successful radio program to MTV and last year they published their advice on a myriad of subjects in their first book entitled The Dr. Drew and Adam Book: A Survival Guide to Life and Love. Adam Carolla can also be seen on Comedy Centrals The Man Show, with Jimmy Kimmel of Win Ben Steins Money. For Carolla, becoming qualified to discuss issues surrounding matters of the heart in a fun yet sincere manner is a combination of upbringing and a good sense of timing. His father is a psychologist, and his 82-year-old grandmother is a sex therapist. To perfect his timing, Carolla spent years training with the famous Groundling's and ACME Improv groups in Los Angeles. He also spent considerable time on the boards as a stand-up comedian. An experienced carpenter and boxing instructor, Carolla developed the character Mr. Birchum, the Shop Teacher, which he brought to the KROQ-FM morning show in Los Angeles. It was Carollas appearances on KROQs morning show that caught the attention of Dr. Drew and the station brass who brought him onto Loveline to add a few laughs. Things worked out great, so they decided to bring him on as a regular host. Raised in North Hollywood, Carolla enjoys sports and is an accomplished writer. He also loves anything done by Aaron Spelling and believes the best-written show on the air is The Simpsons. Carolla has a simple philosophy: Figure out what you wanna do, then take a nap. Dr. Drew Pinsky is best known as Dr. Drew, the warm, sincere beacon of advice on Loveline, Westwood Ones radio call-in show. After receiving his undergraduate degree from Amherst College and his...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
One of the exhibits from San Francisco academy of science museum that Essay
One of the exhibits from San Francisco academy of science museum that relates to physical anthropology - Essay Example nt life forms is to gain a detailed understanding regarding the evolution of modern species of animals, including human beings, which posit a relation to physical anthropology. Additionally, the paper attempts to highlight the behavioral patterns of these life forms. Through these exhibits, it is possible to piece together evidence of man and the life he lived in the ancient times. Such evidence makes it possible to estimate the exact period in which the said hominid lived, the habits and lifestyle he was accustomed to, as well as other dynamics he faced. Through the study of Selam, it is possible to prove numerous facts concerning the existence of early man. The Academy has the remains of an ancient child by the name Selam. These remains belong to a three-year-old child of the Australopithecus afarensis species. The fossils of Selam were discovered in Dikika in Ethiopia, four kilometers from where Lucy was found. ‘Lucy’ is believed by many archeologists to be the mother of Selam.The vestigial remains found consists of an entire torso, plus the arms and legs. Further indications suggest that the remains of Selam were buried after an event of great significance such as a flood. At the time of her death, Selam already possessed visible characteristics of her species, and these were already distinctively noticeable. The postcranial skeleton of Selam brings about many questions as to how she was able to cope with the landscape that she was in. However, research suggests that she was a creature who walked on two legs. Many researchers question how she was able to walk bipedally because its upper body contained many primitive traits. The lower body, however, shows visible adaptations that proved capability to walk. Selam had legs that were built for walking and fingers that were built for climbing. Many features on the body of this species suggest that she was also an arboreal creature (Price, 2012). Further analysis of Selam suggests that she possesses shoulder
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
THE PLACE OF POPULAR CULTURE - MUSIC AND THE CITY - Essay Example Even though music could be said to be part of the very traditional facets of culture, there is no denying the fact that the changing trend of music whereby it had become more versatile and dynamic has made it jumped into a new array of description, which is the popular culture description. New York is one place that has a culture of its own. Through the power and potency of music as a global communication tool, the culture of New York City has been projected by various artists and songstresses who pick various themes about the locality of New York City and amplifies them to the larger world. In this paper, the concept of cultural geography is scrutinized with a link of it to culture and how the local musical space of New York City has helped in projecting the cultural values of the city. This will be done with specific analysis of the song, A Bavarian in New York by Triumvirat. Cultural Geography and how culture is linked to place Even though cultural geography generally comes under the field of human geography, it is largely rooted in the phenomenon of culture and actually revolves around it. This is because cultural geography delves into cultural outcomes and norms that exist across spaces and places (Knox and Marston, 2012). Cultural geography also refers to the relations that exist in spaces and places differentiations as pertains to variables of culture such as religion, language, economy, and morality. Through cultural geography therefore, it should be possible to distinguish one place from another through the inputs of their cultural practices. In effect, culture is directly linked to a place because culture helps in giving a place its differential identity from other places. It is not surprising therefore through tourism, people travel across spaces and places to experience the cultural dynamism of other places. When debating the issue of cultural geography, reference is commonly made to countries, eve n though most cities have their own influential cultural geographies. Cultural geography can therefore be narrowed down to cities very easily, especially when reference is made to cities that are found in cosmopolitan countries like United States, where States and Cities try to leave independent of each other. With this said, New York City comes to mind easily as one city with so much to offer in terms of cultural geographic identity. Why music has a strong place in Geographic Orientation The discussion on cultural geography would be most inadequate if music as a variable of popular culture is not discussed. This is because music, particularly local musical spaces give music so much power and influence in the cultural geography of any given city. In reality, music has the kind of strong place it has in geographic orientation because music can be used as a very powerful communication tool beyond the mere purpose of entertainment. Discussing music as a variable of culture, aspects of music such as theme, language, rhythm, genre, and message can all be identified. Through themes of music, musicians are able to use their works of songs to highlight specific cultural themes that exist in given geographic orientations. This way, the attention of all people hearing the song is quickly drawn on the unique themes of the said geographic location, such as a city. The rhythm and genre of music have also been associated with certain geographic
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Estimiting the half - value layer thikness Lab Report
Estimiting the half - value layer thikness - Lab Report Example Alpha particles are easily shielded thus they will present no external radiation hazard. The thickness of material of 50% of the underlying incident energy has been attenuated and known as half-value layer (HVL) and it is normally expressed in either mm or cm. Photo energy is normally dependent on the increasing energy of the stream of photons thus resulting to increase in material HVL. The experimental equipment was outlined as shown in the figure below. The radioactive sources are encapsulated in thin metal shield that absorbs beta radiation accompanying the decay. The alpha radiation is solely slightly attenuated but the beta radiation. Every source is contained within a cylindrical lead radiation shield in order to eradicate eminent health hazards Measurement was performed to verify the statistics of the prevailing pulse counting (cf Data examination). Cs-137 source was used and mounted on a single lead slab amidst sources and corresponding GM-tube X-rays are normally absorbed in an exponential manner A= A0e(-0692h/H where A0 is the original x-ray intensity, A is the x-ray intensity transmitted via an absorber of thickness x,e is the natural logarithm system and  µ is the slope of the underlying absorption curve(normally linear attenuation coefficient measured in per cm). Linear attenuation coefficient is associated to the corresponding density of the absorber. The half-value layer is normally the thickness of the radiation absorbing material that reduces x-ray intensity by  ½. Based on the value from the slope of the natural log plot, the thickness of aluminium and wood in regard to reduction of the gamma beam intensity from the radioactive Cs-137 source to the corresponding its initial intensity. The main human error was random error from the experimenter thus I can be controlled by taking many readings. For a thickness of 2HVL the corresponding photon intensity was reduced by  ¼ of the initial value whilst for a
Friday, November 15, 2019
What Motivates Employees To Work Effectively Business Essay
What Motivates Employees To Work Effectively Business Essay In the era of economic development, many people are employed in variety jobs in society; therefore, employers should find way to motivate their employees. In addition, with the improvement of living standards, there is a growing emphasis on good working conditions. According to the Douglas McGregors Theory X and Theory Y (1957), on the one hand, Theory X said people are very lazy and dont want to work. If the people of Theory X can do not have work, they will avoid to work. On the other hand, Theory Y said people work very seriously because the environment will motive the workers work. If employers give the comfortable environment to employees, employees will do their best in their job. Consequently, employers need to develop motivational states to meet their different staff needs and work output. This reserved focuses on motivating in the food service industry, different restaurants motivate their employees in different way so their employees how treat the customers will. This essay will analysis the Theory X employee in Norwich restaurants, second analyses the Theory Y of employees in Norwich restaurants, and finally analysis which motivational method leads to have effective workers. Literature Review (by Li Yu Xuan) F.W. Taylor think that the maximize income is the most important thing to motivate them. It means money is the only thing can motivate them. This led to Taylors belief in a differential piece-rate system of payment. This meant staff can get the wage by each unit of output at a standard piece rate. (p.14, F.W.Taylor) And another famous person who named Frederick Herzberg said that: split workers needs into two categories hygiene and motivators. Hygiene factors are concerned with the environment in which the job takes place working conditions, relations with the boss and co-workers pay. Motivators are factors that relate to the job itself-sense of achievement.(p.15, F.Herzherg) in this persons view, we can see the working conditions and working environment are very important for the workers. When the workers satisfied with these two factors, they will work more hand. Some people have anther view, From a staff effectiveness point of view, there are times when you want to be Theory X: f or instance, in health safety issues the rules will be rigid; there will be serious penalties for not following them. But if the issue is how best to handle a piece of new business, then results are likely to be far better if all involved have been consulted, their issues taken into account and an agreed best process determined. Collaborative working will favor Theory Y approaches. These people think workers in different situations prefer the different theory. The theory X and theory Y are all have advantages to the staffs. From these, we can see different people have different opinions to the two theories. Researches these two theories are important to the managers, understand them and know how to use them can help managers make the right decisions and motivate their workers in right way. Main body: Theory X (by Zhang Cheng Cheng) In theory X, people are assumed only working for money and security. Workers do not like to work and would try to work as little as possible if they can. Workers in the company or organization are lack of ambitions and hope to avoid responsibility. According to McGregor theory X is really based on the assumption that a) laziness is the human nature; and b) people only work for money. The perception of human laziness has long been recorded in religion history. In religion, Catholic declares humans seven SINS, one which is the lazy. Human beings are divided into two groups, most people are afore-mentioned lazy, only a few people can restrain themselves. To most people, working is a kind of burden to human rather than enjoyment. As far as they are concerned, they only need to do minimum work to survive. Theory X therefore has argued that as a result of this human nature most employees in the organization do not have ambition. Their personal goals and objectives are self-centered and not associated with the companys goals. They lack confidence and consider the personal safety is important. They do not want to be a leader and content to be just a follower who prefers to be led by others. Under the theory X management approaches range from hard to soft. With hard approach to deal with humans laziness the model of theory X management must rely on outside force strict control in order to achieve organizational goals which is so called hard approach. The management believes that workers need to be closely supervised and comprehensive systems of controls developed. A hierarchical structure is needed with narrow span of control at each and every level. By exerting the external force, command, control and punishment the theory X management will ensure their employees to feel threats so that their employees can make proper efforts to achieve the objectives of the organization. With soft approach theory X management appears to be lack of disciplines and to be permissive and only seek harmony with hope that in return people will cooperate when asked to do so. McGregor has argued neither hard nor soft approaches are optimal management approach because assumptions in theory X are incorrect. At one extreme, management is strict, peoples behavior methods include forced and intimidation, strict supervision. At the other extreme, management personnel is mild, peoples behavior, peaceful methods include tolerance. Severe may result in employees to against pressure and hostile while The gentle way may often lead to abandon management. The optimal management will be between hard and soft approach. We agree with McGregor that the management model should be the carrot and stick. On one hand, they stimulate employees effort to meet the organization objectives by offering money. On the one hand, they enforce the tight control and supervision and punishment for the organization work force. In conclusion, the carrot and stick incentive theory in certain circumstances can be reasonably functional. This management model above is an example which on the one hand offered money in order to buy and stimulate employees working enthusiasm, on the one hand, used the strict control, supervision and punishment for the organization work force. Main body: Theory Y (by Shih Chia Chi) In contrast, McGregors theory Y mentions that managers tend to be democratic as they conduct their workers. This is because employees enjoy work actively and accept responsibility. In this theory, employees are motivated efficiently by many different factors. Unless workers have proper conditions in many ways such as working environment, welfare or salary, workers do not argue about their job. They are satisfaction and committed. This is because Managers of Theory Y believe both employees have ability to control themselves in accomplishing targets and they are enjoyment of doing a job. Therefore, managers will provide more authority and power to their employees so that they have an opportunity to incentive their aggressive of the work. It is believe that they are full of ambition to pursue their aims. Thus, this type of workers not only has an excellent creativity but also contributes at work which helps them to figure out whole problems. These people always have clearly life achieve ment, so they always work hard and most of them interested in their jobs and try doing their best. All of the reasons are to improve productivity in order to increase more profit in every company. This is why McGregor create this theory, and many managers use it to organize their employees. As a result, workers who are belong to theory Y have a higher achieved then theory X. Theory Y which is a more people-centric management style applies to the human relations and human needs approaches(Bruce Jewell,2006). Findings (by Shih Chia Chi) We conducted a survey in Norwich by random sampling of people in the city centre restaurants. This survey search the reasons for what motivate employees efficiently in the service industry, and fit into McGregors theory X and Y. This purpose is to find an optimization method for managers to administer workers. According to the table (figure 1, page 11), most male are satisfied with the salary nearly 13 percent and working environment around 8 percent; otherwise, female are satisfied with holidays less than 15 percent and personal reason more than 12 percent. Therefore, the amount of men and women do not want to promote to a higher position by 25-28 ages in Norwich. (Figure 2, page12) Even though most people belong to theory X, a few workers are part of theory Y. Approximately 5 percent of whole data in working environment is more essential than other reasons as well as women. (Figure 3, page 13) A few people about 8 percent want to have a higher position from 25 ages to 28 ages. This sort of people is self-motivation, so they suit for using soft management style and power-sharing in McGregors theory Y that they are easy manage. Moreover, in the theory Y, most workers have high level job, e.g. professional servicers, knowledge worker- managers and the high educated workers. Those results can apply McGregors theory X to prove this finding, so managers of service industry must use strict management or give them reward. This finding will help companies to find the best way of classification people in order to enhance the efficiency of effort and output. Conclusion (by Huang Tan Yun) It has emerged that the large amount of employees were belong the Theory X, who avoided to work in their job and the small amount of employees, who belong the Theory Ys persons, can work seriously by the work environment. According to our survey, manager should give the Theory Xs staffs more money and seriously management way to work effectively and also the manager should make the great work environment to let the Theory Ys staffs bring into the talent in their job. In order to solve the problem which is the Theory X or Theory Y in the Norwich restaurants, renewable management policy has changeable. Although, this essay just only has examined the motivations in the Norwich restaurant, other areas have the different motivations to affect their employees. There are a number of factors which contributed to the different effective motivations are happened in different people, therefore, the policies in employers are created. In addition, the employees in work areas have the Theory X of people or the Theory Y of people so they have the different motivated effectible causes. That was why the policies have the serious management and soft management for employees. Generally, the good way of aim in the working areas will accord to the Theory Xs staffs to improve their factors for their work effectively. Bibliography (by Zhang Cheng Cheng) Douglas MÂ · Mc Gregor (1957) The Human Sideof Enterprise in Management Review, US Viewed: 11/03/2010 Smallbizguru (29/01/2010)Leadership in recession for small business- John Adairs Action- Centred Leadership in Business Ideas http:// smallbizguru. Viewed 11/03/2010 Jewell, B(2006) McGregors Theory X and Theory Y in Tricky topics:6-7 Taylor, F.W(2006) High-street motivation in BUSINESS Review: 14-15 Herzberg, F(2006) High-street motivation in BUSINESS Review: 15
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Scope of Practice
Scope of Practice according to the free dictionary is the range of responsibility of patients or caseload and practice guidelines that determine the boundaries within which a physician, or other professional, practices. The basic is that these guidelines tell that particular practitioner how far they can go when it comes to medical care and treatment. According to the law in all states, a Medical Assistant must have the supervising doctor, or a licensed practitioner, present, on the floor or in the building before a MA can provide any type of direct care/procedures to a patient (2011). MA is allowed to do whatever they were hired to do. Doctors and nurses often times don’t know how to use their MAs, they main responsibilities are in their job description when they were hired. Each office that an MA may work in could have some different procedures to do. Your job as an MA maybe to administer immunizations for injections, or to file all medical charts when they are completed, whatever your job is, it should be clearly spelled out for you. They must also outline what a MA can not do, such as making any independent medical assessment, triage patients, dispense medication or samples without direct orders, and giving out your own personal medical advice (2011). The employer who usually is the doctor assumes responsibility of the MA and they have to determine each MA’s scope of practice, by determining their skill levels. Most states don’t have laws that specifically address the responsibilities and duties of a Medical Assistant. This doesn’t say that no rules apply to them but since they are an extension of the do0)ctor then they are more than likely to follow the laws of the State Medical Board.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Management Programme Term-End Examination
December, 2005 MS95 (S) : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR MANAGEMENT DECISIONS Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 100 (Weightage 70%) Note : (i) This paper contains two sections, Section A and B. Section A contains five questions. Attempt any four questions from this section. Section B is compulsory (ii) Statistical tables may be provided. (iii) Use of own non-programmable calculator is allowed. SECTION A 1. A local supermarket has experienced a decline in unit sales and little change in rupee value sales.Profits have almost vanished. The chief executive in searching for ways to revitalize the operation, was advised to increase the number of hours the market is open for business. He comes to you for advice in structuring a research problem that will provide relevant information for decision making, Define the research problem taking care to : (15) (a) state the relevant question. (b) enumerate the alternative answers. (c) clearly define the units of analysis and characteristics of interest. 2. A sample may be large yet worthless because it is not random; or it may be random but unreliable because it is small. †Comment upon the above statement and explain the importance of sampling in daily life. (15) 3. What do you understand by factor analysis ? Mention the purpose and uses of factor analysis. (15) 4. What are the seven elements of communication, which are relevant for making a presentation ? Discuss. (15) 5. Write short notes on any three of the following : (15) (a) Objective characteristics and Inferred characteristics (b) Editing of primary data c) Operating and Strategic decisions (d) Ordinal Scale (e) Audio-visual aids in presentation of reports SECTION B 6. Describe the semantic differential scale. Use the semantic differential technique to develop the profile of three television manufacturing companies in India. (20) 7. A random sample of 30 students obtained the following marks in a class test : (20) Test the hypothesis that their median score is more than 5 0. 58 55 25 32 26 85 44 80 33 72 10 42 15 46 64 39 38 30 36 65 72 46 54 36 89 94 25 74 66 29
Friday, November 8, 2019
Why I Want To Be A Teacher †Creative Writing Essay
Why I Want To Be A Teacher – Creative Writing Essay Free Online Research Papers Why I Want To Be A Teacher Creative Writing Essay I think that the first thing one must do in order to understand what does it mean to assist someone in teaching a language is to realize that it is a process in which people exchange not simply a vocabulary or a grammar, but also a particular way of thinking and living. Thus this said, I think I would accomplish a great role as a teacher assistant not only because I feel an unfeigned disposition for teaching my native language, but also because I do feel an authentic desire for learning from the people I would be trying to instruct. Hereby this becomes a fulfilling experience in which both teacher and students participate, bringing to every day life the kind of valuable knowledge that is necessary to incorporate a language into a student’s mind by sharing the views of reality that may arise during a class. As I just mentioned, a language implies special ideas about the world, the people and almost every different aspect of life: it is not solely a conglomerate of words sorted in a special order. When a person teaches a language, he also gives a part of his culture and a teacher is expected (should also be encouraged) to be heedful enough to receive from his students their particular points of view and knowledge. I like to think of myself as a person open for the dialog and the experiences of the individuals I alternate with, thus creating a suitable environment for teaching and learning an idiom. As a law student and former member of an association destined to the diffusion of constitutional law, I’ve had a background in teaching particular subjects and seminars of constitutional rights, and I may say that teaching has been a very rewarding experience I have enjoyed very much; one can only imagine how gladdening it would be to teach such a vital subject as my own language to other persons, specially if they are from different cultures than mine. Finally, I would like to say that I consider teaching my language in a foreign country as a priceless opportunity that I would know how to make most out of it, and also I am a very respectful person concerning the periods of time one agrees to commit in any duty and also I have the maturity to face any situation that it may rise at any given eventuality. Research Papers on Why I Want To Be A Teacher - Creative Writing EssayStandardized TestingComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementQuebec and CanadaMind Travel19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraCapital PunishmentRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andBringing Democracy to Africa
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues Simulation Summary E
Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues Simulation Summary E Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues Simulation Summary LAW/421 October 27, 2014 Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues Simulation Summary When resolving legal disputes in international transactions countless issues may be involved. According to Melvin (2011), a U.S. firm entering into a legal contract with one from another country, the U.S. firm should ensure that the agreement could be officially enforced. This also applies to the foreign firm, which is the reason it is so important for businesses to stay updated on international trade regulations and laws. Some of the issues involved in the resolution of international transactions are political and cultural. An example of a cultural issue that can arise in an international transaction between a company in the U.S. and a company in China would be if business discussions were brought up too soon by the U.S. company. This is because China has a cultural tradition of discussing issues of personal or social matters before dealing with the business side of things. In international law, legal disputes can be resolved properly with the avoidance of these types of cultural an d political differences, which is the reason companies need to be aware of them. When taking action against a business partner in a foreign country, the first thing that needs to be considered is the laws of the other country. This is essential when trying to ensure the actions against the international business partner are taken legally based on the laws of their country. Although the U.S. legislation might have similarities to those of another country, there are likely to be some very important differences. Because U.S. laws only pertain to the U.S., the upheld laws are going to be those of the business partners country. Consequently, verifying that the case is even relevant, based on the laws of that foreign country is also something to consider. A behavior that is deemed illegal in the U.S. may not be viewed as so in another country. Therefore, the need to completely understand the laws of business in a foreign country is so important before business can be conducted with a company in that country. Ultimately, consideration of the ramifications due to taking legal action against a nosiness partner of another country must be taken into account as well. If not, conducting business in that country in the future may not be an option. One major factor that may work against the decision CadMex made in granting sublicensing agreements is that as more agreements are granted, the chance of a legal case occurring is higher. CadMex needs to have the inclusion of sub-paragraphs in all of their agreements so that they can be protected from any legal actions taken against them. Without the sub-paragraphs, legal accountability for financial losses due to a lawsuit filed against a company, who holds a contract with CadMex, by another country, can be pinned to CadMex. When organizations in different countries partner in business, and the customs and laws of those countries are in conflict, the local countrys laws and customs take precedence over the laws and customs of the partner country from abroad. If a company in the U.S. is conducting business in China, then the laws and customs of the U.S. cannot be enforced; Chinas laws and customs hold precedency. As business is conducted in China by both foreign and domestic companies, only the laws of China hold valid; there is no adaptation to the laws of the foreign country abroad. Accordingly, during conflicts related to a foreign company conducting business within a country, the nation where business is being conducted is the governing laws and customs that will be upheld. The decision to start a contract for business between two companies is made with the expectations that the legally bound contract is protected by laws of the U.S. Regrettably, not every scenario has this outcome. Certain situations occur where one company is protected by state laws, where the other company is not. Marijuana, for example is legal in some states, but not all. Before entering into contracts, companies must also consider state laws. When there are issues of a domestic nature, domestic courts handle the issues and both companies are familiar with the laws. Disputes of international nature are dealt with
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Theories on Crime Comparison Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Theories on Crime Comparison - Research Paper Example This research paper discusses crime and criminal acts that both define crucial components of our societies nowadays. The researcher states that no society exists without any form of crime today. Crimes that transpire in various societies are of different magnitudes, causes and effects on the given society. However, any form of crime is detrimental to the given society and this explains the setting up of various institutions to eradicate this act. Crimes have seen immense loss innocent lives and destruction of property as well as wastage of national resources just in the hands of a few individuals. When people in the given society run away and detach from the labeled criminal, the victim will fall into psychological depression that will direct him/ her to commit heinous acts in bid to attract public attention and recognition. This research paper also describes as how to deal with crime and presents philosophers opinions, who came up with strategic modalities of studying various types of crimes, causes and ways of solving and handling the various forms of crimes. In that light, social psychologists have compressed expansive details entailing crime into comprehensive frames called theories. The researcher then focuses on discussing of various crime theories and uses real-life examples as on how to make them evident. Examples of the crime theories in action presented in this research paper include the developmental crime theory, labeling theory, strain theory, and rational choice theory among others.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Newsclipping Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Newsclipping - Research Paper Example This article is thorough in its research and is very timely. The population of the United States is skewed towards individuals entering retirement. They will begin to experience more and more memory loss. Understanding these things from a biological perspective is important because it shows that things we do a young people can affect the quality of life we have later. The article and graphics are clearly presented and the scientific language is accurate but not too hard for the non-scientific reader to understand. Complex World of Soil Studied by Colorado State University Scientists Soil is incredibly important to all of the inhabitants of earth. Recent biological studies have begun to focus on the importance of the organisms that inhabit the soil. Nematodes, water bears, mites and springtails all have been ranging through the earth’s soils devouring carbon and nitrogen as zebras and lions devour grass and prey on the surface. But little has been studied about how these organi sms benefit larger ecosystems. Scientists at Colorado State University are remedying this. They are finding that disrupting soils by paving them or developing them in other ways is deadly for the soil ecosystem. Scientists are trying to quantify how much benefit these soil dwelling organisms do for us so that we can look at our development activities in a new light. Reading this article was pleasurable because the writing was clear. What was not so clear is how the studies from the scientists are really going to be applied. Mention of United Nations support of soil studies was made, but no specifics were given. There were no details about what is being done as a result of the research. It does affect our daily life because these organisms support life on earth, but action for their support was not clearly stated. Proposed EPA ballast water regulations criticized Ballast water has introduced many organisms into the waters of the Great Lakes that are not a part of the natural ecosyste m. These organisms, such as zebra mussels have crowded out native species. The EPA has developed new regulations over the discharge of ballast water by international ships. Environmental groups are not happy with the regulations because they say that up to ten live organisms’ can be discharged by each ship. Environmentalists and some scientists agree that this is not tough enough. They point to the fact that this amount of live discharge can lead to the introduction of new, destructive organisms. This affects daily life because we all depend on shipping that comes through the Great Lakes. Stricter regulations will make goods coming through these ports more expensive because the water will need to be treated before it is discharged. But his might be the price we have to pay to same native species in the Great Lakes ecosystem. This article was very informative, but was light on actual science. The article focused more on the governmental policies that are formed as a result of biological science than on the science itself. Worms' survival in space bodes well for humans, study says Twelve generations of worms have been successfully raised on board the space station. This is important for humans if we one day want to travel to Mars and beyond. Some of the biological challenges that the worms needed to overcome in order to reproduce and adjust to weightlessness may be good instruction
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Language of Health Informatics (M3C) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Language of Health Informatics (M3C) - Essay Example The new information system at our hospital will be based on a completely centralized database management system that will automate the overall working and operational procedures of the hospital. In this scenario this arrangement will offer a variety of advantages and facilities for the hospital, doctors and other working staff. Some of the main characteristics of such information system at the hospital are outlined below: (Healthcare Informatics, 2004) Complete automation of hospital records Digitization of hospital’s operations No paper based environment Simple user interface for hospital staff Data integrity Quick searching plus efficient response Better protection of the data as well as information Rapid response to the possible issues Fast and effective reporting of all the processes Backup as well as archives facilities In case of new health information system application at our hospital we would have to deal with a lot of medical records and other details those can be re corded as well as processed. In this scenario we can record and assess the details about patients like patient data and information that can be used and assessed by the doctors for better and effective treatment. Then we can record disease information and its potential symptoms so that they could efficiently diagnose the disease.
Monday, October 28, 2019
On the Job Training Essay Example for Free
On the Job Training Essay OJT is a three letter acronym for on-the-job training, which is a form of training taking place in a normal working situation. OJT training, sometimes called direct instruction, is one of the earliest forms of training (observational learning is probably the earliest,). It is a one-on-one training located at the job site, where someone who knows how to do a task shows another how to perform it. In antiquity, the kind of work that people did was mainly unskilled or semiskilled work that did not require specialized knowledge. Parents or other community members, who knew how to do a job necessary for survival, passed their knowledge on to the children through direct instruction. On-the-job training is still widely in use today. In fact, it is probably the most popular method of training because it requires only a person who knows how to do the task, and the tools the person uses to do the task. It may not be the most effective or the most efficient method at times, but it is normally the easiest to arrange and manage. Because the training takes place on the job, it can be highly realistic and no transfer of learning is required. It is often inexpensive because no special equipment is needed other than what is normally used on the job. The other side is that OJT takes the trainer and materials out of production for the duration of the training time. In addition, due to safety or other production factors, it is prohibitive in some environments. Training is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies. Training has specific goals of improving ones capability, capacity, and performance. It forms the core of apprenticeships and provides the backbone of content at institutes of technology (also known as technical colleges or polytechnics). In addition to the basic training required for a trade, occupation or profession, observers of the labor-market[who? ] recognize as of 2008[update] the need to continue training beyond initial qualifications: to maintain, upgrade and update skills throughout working life. People within many professions and occupations may refer to this sort of training as professional development.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
US Government - Checks And Balances :: Political Science Government Essays
US Government - Checks And Balances "There is no more important function for all of government to define the rights of its citizens." (Norman Dorsen) In this essay I will give a short history of the government in United States of America (U.S.). Then I will describe each of the three branches of government in the U.S. and the relationship between them. In principle, the U.S. is a democratic republic, they govern themselves by choosing their leaders by secret ballot, and these leaders in turn make the rules. Americans started "governing themselves" as a nation on July 4th, 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia by representatives of the thirteen British colonies in North America. These states joined together formally in 1781 under a first "constitution," the Articles of Confederation. That loose union of the states was replaced by the Constitution of the U.S. in 1789. This document (amended 26 times) is still the political foundation of the U.S. Being based on a written constitution, the U.S. government is committed in principle to the rule of law. To guarantee the rights of free speech, a free press, freedom of religion etc. the first ten amendments, called the "Bill of Rights" were adopted in 1791. There are three levels of government in the U.S. Local government (city/county), state government, and federal government. Here I will pay most attention to the federal government. Many of the concepts of the U.S. government can be traced to progressive thinkers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, e.g. Locke, Spinoza, Blackstone, and Montesquiueu. Out of some of their thoughts the U.S. government system with the three branches were made: A legislative branch (Congress), an Executive branch (President), and a judicial branch (Supreme Court). The Constitution is most of all a document of checks and balances: among the three branches of the federal government; and between the levels of government, nation and state. The legislative branch (Congress) that has the power to make laws valid for the whole country. Powers like the regulation of taxes, regulation of commerce between the states and with foreign countries, the power to declare war, and the power to impeach the President are some of the other matters the legislative branch have to deal with. Congress has two chambers (or "houses"): the Senate and the House of Representatives ("the house"). The Senate consists of one hundred senators: Two senators from each of the fifty states.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Topic of Your Choice Essay
English 090 Writing Fundamentals Assignment 3: Topic of Your Choice Essay Professor T. Finch Christopher Casselman 08-29-2011 There are many challenges to online study; however, time management, course load and prioritizing are the three main areas that should be focused on. First, determining how much time to spend on a subject is very troublesome. Depending on the subjects, some people like to spend extra time on certain things like math. Finding the time to spend with the family is stressful as well. There will always be something to distract one from their work. Next, course load will determine a lot of things, such as how much time will be needed for each subject, when assignments are due and when to take tests or quizzes. All of the things aforementioned need to be completed in a certain order and in a timely manner. Following a strenuous schedule will keep one on track. Finally, prioritizing will streamline things tremendously. Prioritize by determining how many assignments are due weekly for each subject, and if there are any tests. As well as, the difficulty of the subjects, and what impact they have on our daily life. In addition, many times we will overload ourselves and will need a momentary break. Though breaks should be short, but long enough so one can grasp the reigns tightly again and continue with what one is doing. Staying focused on the work at hand is hard to do when there are other obligations demanding attention as well. Doing the best in each subject, and staying diligent is the single most important thing. In closing, all of these things should be considered before starting an online course. Regret and failure will be less if one can get a good understanding of what is expected from them and focus on time management, course load and prioritization.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Little Rock Nine
The movie â€Å"The Little Rock Nine†is based on an event that happened in the 1950’s. The movie is based on the first time that a school allowed black students into an all white school. This event happened in Little Rock, Arkansas when a school allowed nine black teenagers into their school. In this essay you will read about the respect that the black students got at the beginning of the movie and the respect they got at the end, how society has changed today, how this relates to the Hebrews experience, how this relates to moral values, and my personal experience on this theme. In the movie the nine black students got no respected at all. The students were treated the same as every other black person at this point in time. The black students took abuse and bullying that no other person would be able to take. They got pushed, threatened, excluded from events and even spit on. This was the respect they got when they first came to the school. The guards stationed around the school didn't even do much at times. They were afraid at times, because if they tried to retaliate they knew things would only get worse. Even people outside the school tried to get the students out of the school. There were rallies and marches, mostly led by parents, to get rid of the nine black students. Then things got even worse when bomb threats started coming in. Finally on of the students named Minnijean Brown started to fight back. Minnijean Brown was the first of the students to be targeted to recieve the most abuse. It started one day when she was just heading to class and a group of girls blocked the door to her next class. She asked them politly to move and when they didn't she tried to move in between them, but she got pushed out of the way. That was the start of the incidents. Eventually Minnijean was expelled for dumping a bowl of chili on students head that was blocking her way and refused to move. Minnijean was upset by this because the white people of the community got exactly what they wanted. The next target was Ernest Green. Ernest was targeted next because he was a senior and, if he made it, would be the first black student to graduate from Central High School. The white students and parents did everything they could to prevent him from graduating. One female student even tried to get him to like her so she could say he â€Å"harassed†her,but Ernest graduated 1958. These two students are probably the most recognized two of the Little Rock Nine becausse of what happened to them. Society has changed alot since 1958 in many ways. The Central High School in Little Rock is now 50% black students. The story of the Little Rock Nine relates to the Hebrews when they are in Egypt because they are being treated just like the nine black students. They were forced into labor every day and were beaten and spat on as well. This relates to moral values because everybody should be treated equal. Alot of people back then were Catholic, but they treated people diffrently, when everyone was actually the same. This relates to my personal experience because me and a friend of mine went through a little bit of this last year. It wasn't as bad as the Little Rock Nine, but it hurt. My friend and I were excluded from games some games in P. E. , we took alot of hateful phrases, and other things. Then around graduation they stopped and things went back to normal. The Little Rock Nine is a good example of what black peolpe had to go through in that point in time. I think the Little Rock Nine was and still is a great example of how racism can destroys people and their self esteem. And It also shows how brave some people were during the Civil Rights Movement. I also think it is very important that three of the Little Rock Nine graduated from Central High School which I think this is a great accomplishment. It also proves that blacks were able to do the same school work as whites.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Manage your boss’s emails and phone calls like a pro
Manage your boss’s emails and phone calls like a pro As an assistant, you will often be asked to manage your boss’s correspondence, including emails. This can often be a tricky task, particularly because its hard to know the correct tone to strike. Should you write in your voice? In his or hers? What if your boss just leaves it up to you?Representing someone else is a huge responsibility, but one you can weather with dignity and poise. Here are a few things to keep in mind to make sure you don’t lose the privilege or fumble the ball.Keep it confidential.It should go without saying that whatever you read in your boss’s email isn’t meant to be repeated- to anyone. Don’t discuss personal items you might come across with anyone, least of all your boss (unless he brings something up). And don’t blab about professional developments within your company to your colleagues either- not even to warn them of impending changes.When in doubt, ask.Don’t just accept the email task as yours, silently and resolutely. Ask questions. What is it she wants you to accomplish? Are you authorized to unsubscribe her from unnecessary mailing lists? Are you monitoring so she doesn’t have to weed through everything, or are you actually in charge of triaging, organizing, and (eep) responding. And, if so, how would she like you to do that- as yourself (Sincerely, Your Name, Personal Assistant to Her Name) or as your boss? The more you know going in and the more you two are on the same page, the fewer misunderstandings will crop up.Read them, and take notes.Even if some of this stuff might be over your head, the more you know, the more you can help. Make sure to read carefully and have a sense at any given time of who’s asking for what and which things need to happen first. Make sure to note impending deadlines, appointments, timely actions, etc., and flag them immediately. Make note of these in your own calendar, as well as in your boss’s. That way you can send reminders.Sta y professional.When discussing the content of these emails with your boss or when responding to them yourself, make sure to act the part. Be every bit as professional and polished as your boss is. Remember, you are acting on his behalf.Come up with a system.If you’re given the leeway, try to come up with a system that will work for both of you. For example, you can file everything non-essential into folders like Junk, Personal, and News. Then everything else is work stuff and you can both focus on that. Come up with a flagging system- using different colors or labels- so you can communicate to each other what needs to be done first. Keep it sensible and simple.Check twice.Make sure to bookend your workday by checking emails first thing and then going through for anything urgent at the end of the day. Making sure you do a thorough check in the morning and the evening means that whatever system you came up with for organizing will keep functioning smoothly, rather than falling apart overnight.Stay cool.Don’t bother your boss with a question every time you aren’t sure what to do with a given email- even at the beginning. Try instead to keep a running list of questions you want to ask and save them for the end of the day. In a few days, you’ll find you have far fewer questions.Don’t forget to do your own work.Don’t let your boss’s emails swallow your whole work day, eclipse your projects, or make you neglect your own inbox. Develop a system that works for you so that you can balance both of your correspondences. This will make the arrangement more stable and sustainable for both of you.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Functionalist and Marxist Perspectives on Social Stratification essays
Functionalist and Marxist Perspectives on Social Stratification essays Social stratification refers to the presence of distinct social groups which are ranked one above the other in terms of factors such as prestige and wealth (Haralambos group or stratum will have some awareness of common interests and a common identity. They also share a similar lifestyle which, to some extent, will distinguish them from members of other social strata (Lenski, 1984). Social stratification involves a hierarchy of social groups and they either enjoy or suffer the unequal distribution of rewards in society as members of different social groups. Four principles are identified which help explain why social stratification exists. First, social stratification is a characteristic of society and not merely of individuals. Second, social stratification is universal but variable. Third, it persists over generations and fourth, it is supported by patterns of belief. There are different sociological perspectives which have been put forward about social stratification; the Functionalists and the Marxists. A Functionalist, (Parsons, 1954 in Haralambos that stratification systems derive from common values. He proposes that those who perform successfully in terms of society's values will be ranked highly and they will be likely to receive a variety of rewards. At a minimum they will be accorded high prestige because they exemplify and personify common values. He also states that because different societies have different value systems, the ways of attaining a high position will Functionalists tend to see the relationship between social groups in society as one of co-operation and interdependence. Each group in society may specialize in a different activity, so no one group is self sufficient; they must therefore exchange goods and services with other groups (Lenski, 1984). This relationship is extended t...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Reasons to Be Pretty, a Play by Neil LaBute
Reasons to Be Pretty, a Play by Neil LaBute Reasons to Be Pretty is a hard-edged comedy written by Neil LaBute. It is the third and final installment of a trilogy (The Shape of Things, Fat Pig, and Reasons to Be Pretty). The trio of plays are connected not by characters or plot but by the recurring theme of body image within American society. Reasons to Be Pretty premiered on Broadway in 2008. It was nominated for three Tony Awards (Best Play, Best Leading Actress, and Best Leading Actor). Meet the Characters Steph is the central argument of the play. Throughout the story, she is furious. She feels emotionally wounded by her boyfriend- who believes that her face is regular (which she views as a way of saying that she is not beautiful). Greg, the protagonist, spends most of his life trying to explain his misunderstood intentions to others. Like other leading men in Neil LaBute plays, he is far more affable than the male supporting characters (who are always foul-mouthed jerks). In spite of his low-key, eager-to-remain-calm personality, Greg somehow evokes anger from the rest of the characters. Kent is the obnoxious jerk character we were just talking about. He is crude, down-to-earth, and believes that his life is better than perfect. He not only has a good-looking wife, but hes also tangled in a work-related affair. Carly is the wife of Kent and the best friend of Stephanie. She sets the conflict in motion, spreading gossip about Gregs supposedly true feelings. Reasons to Be Pretty Plot Summary of Act One Scene One In Scene One, Steph is very angry because her boyfriend Greg supposedly said something derogatory about her physical appearance. After a heated argument, Greg explains he and his friend Kent had a conversation in Kents garage. Kent had mentioned that the newly hired woman at their workplace was hot. According to Greg, he replied: Maybe Steph hasnt got a face like that girls. Maybe Stephs face is just regular. But I wouldnt trade her for a million bucks. After his admission, Steph storms out of the room. Scene Two Greg hangs out with Kent, recounting his fight with Stephanie. During their conversation, Kent chastises him about eating an energy bar directly after a meal, claiming that Greg will get fat. Kent goes into the bathroom. Kents wife Carly arrives. Carly is in law enforcement. She is the one who gossiped to Steph about Gregs conversation, regarding her regular face. Carly harshly criticizes Greg, detailing how upset Steph has become, reacting to his insensitive words. Greg argues that he was trying to say something complimentary about Steph. Carly states that his communication skills suck. When Kent finally returns from the bathroom, he defuses the argument, kisses Carly, and advises Greg to treat women nicely to keep the relationship happy. Ironically, whenever Carly is not around, Kent is far more demeaning and derogatory than Greg. Scene Three Steph meets Greg in neutral territory: a restaurant at lunchtime. He has brought her flowers, but she remains intent on moving out and ending their four-year relationship. She wants to be with someone who sees her as beautiful. After unleashing more of her anger and rebuking Gregs attempts at reconciliation, Steph demands the keys so she can remove all of her items from their home. Greg finally fights back (verbally) and says that he doesnt want to see her stupid face anymore. That makes Stephanie snap! Steph makes him sit back down at the table. She then pulls out a letter from her purse. She has written down everything about Greg that she dislikes. Her letter is a vicious (yet amusing) tirade, detailing all of his physical and sexual flaws, from head to toe. After reading the hateful letter, she admits that she wrote all of those things to hurt him. However, she says that his comment about her face represents his true beliefs, and can therefore never be forgotten or taken back. Scene Four Kent and Carly sit together, complaining about work and money. Carly criticizes her husbands lack of maturity. Just as they start to makeup, Greg arrives to hang out and read a book. Carly leaves, annoyed because she blames Greg for making Steph move away. Kent reluctantly confides in Greg, admitting that he is having an affair with the hot girl at work. He goes through a long list of positive details about her physique. (In many ways it is the opposite of Stephs angry letter monologue.) At the end of the scene, Kent makes Greg promise not to reveal the affair to anyone (especially Steph or Carly). Kent claims that men must stick together because they are like buffalo. Act One of Reasons to Be Pretty concludes with Gregs realization that his relationship is not the only one that has fallen apart.
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